National Territory

3 minutes • 586 words
Table of contents
Section 1
The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all the other territories belonging to the Philippines by historic right or legal title, including the territorial sea, the air space, the subsoil, the sea-bed, the insular shelves, and the other submarine areas over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction.
The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, irrespective of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.
Section 1
The Philippines is a republican state. Sovereignty resides in the people and all governmental authority emanates from them.
Section 2
The defense of the State is a prime duty of the Government and the people, and in the fulfillment of this duty all citizens may be required by law to render personal military or civil service.
Section 3
The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land, and adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations.
Section 4
The State shall strengthen the family as a basic social institution. The natural right and duty of parents in the rearing of the youth for civic efficiency and the development of moral character shall receive the aid and support of the Government.
Section 5
The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in the nation-building and shall promote their physical, intellectual, and social well-being.
Section 6
The State shall promote social justice to ensure the dignity, welfare, and security of all the people.
Towards this end, the State shall regulate the acquisition, ownership, use, enjoyment, and disposition of private property, and equitably diffuse property ownership and profits.
Section 7
The State shall establish, maintain, and ensure adequate social services in the field of education, health, housing, employment, welfare, and social security to guarantee the enjoyment by the people of a decent standard of living.
Section 8
Civilian authority is at all times supreme over the military.
Section 9
The State shall afford protection to labor, promote full employment and equality in employment, ensure equal work opportunities regardless of sex, race, or creed, and regulate the relations between workers and employers.
The State shall assure the rights of workers to self-organization, collective bargaining, security of tenure, and just and humane conditions of work. The State may provide for compulsory arbitration.
Section 10
The State shall guarantee and promote the autonomy of local government units, especially the [barangays ], to ensure their fullest development as self-reliant communities.
Section 1
The following are citizens of the Philippines:
Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this Constitution.
Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines.
Those who elect Philippine citizenship pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of 1935
Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
Section 2
A female citizen of the Philippines who marries an alien shall retain her Philippine citizenship, unless by her act or omission she is deemed, under the law, to have renounced her citizenship.
Section 3
Philippine citizenship may be lost or reacquired in the manner provided by law.
Section 4
A natural-born citizen is one who is a citizen of the Philippines from birth without having to perform any act to acquire or perfect his Philippine citizenship.