Superphysics Superphysics

Material Superphysics

Material Superphysics Principles
From Socrates to Poincare
Material Superphysics Principles →
Fallacies of Physics
Being Fooled by the Illusion of Nature
Fallacies of Physics →
Solutions from Material Superphysics
Going beyond Newtonian technology
Solutions from Material Superphysics →
Bob Lazar's UFO Design
Bob Lazar's UFO Design →
De Broglie's Pilot Wave vs Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation
De Broglie's Pilot Wave vs Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation →
How Muons Disprove Einstein's Relativity
How Muons Disprove Einstein's Relativity →
How Descartes' Explained Current Physics Phenomena
How Descartes' Explained Current Physics Phenomena →
The Elastic Theory of Gravity
The Elastic Theory of Gravity →
The Age of the Universe
The Age of the Universe →
Why did Venus transform from being habitable to being a hellish planet?
Why did Venus transform from being habitable to being a hellish planet? →
Levitation via Material Bands
Levitation via Material Bands →
The Creation Story and the 5 Elements According to Jesus
The Creation Story and the 5 Elements According to Jesus →