Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 4

Aethereal Bands -- Action at a Distance

by Juan Icon
January 31, 2020 2 minutes  • 400 words

The movement of the quanta or aether or qoas are dictated by their aethereal bands, following our Elastic Theory of Gravity and the Theory of Universal Relationality.

Aethereal Relationality is the most important of all the relationalities since it controls or affects all the layers underneath.

It is divided into 2 planes:

  1. Metaphysical - this layer dictates the movement of ideas. Aethereal Bands defaults to this
  2. Physical - this dictates the movement of of physical objects between galaxies, multiverses, and timelines. This manifests as Physical Aethereal Bands

An example of the movement* of qoas or ideas is the movement of the idea of a horse-carriage into:

  • an idea of an automobile, and then into
  • an idea of an electric car, and then into
  • an idea of a flying electric car in the future.

*From the perspective of the Supreme Entity, all ideas are static and non-moving, and it is the created minds that move from one idea to another. However, our perspective as humans is from the created minds. And so, for the purposes of explanation, we will take the opposite view and see our minds as stationary and ideas as moving.

Like the movement of a ball from point A to point B, the movement of ideas is gradual and analog and not digital*, at least in our part of the multiverse.

*There might be multiverses where a species invents a horse-carriage today and then is able to suddenly upgrade it into a Tesla Model 3 the next day.

Other examples of movement in the aethereal layer are:

  • price movements in the universe of Economics
  • the evolution of society in the universe of Sociology

We apply aethereal bands to predict price movements and social changes just as Einstein used special (radiant) relativity to predict the movement of starlight during an eclipse.

Aethereal bands were instrumental in letting us predict the current Covid crisis . The next step is to apply it for other predictions such as:

  • The start of the wars between EU-AUKUS vs Russia-China
  • The end of Covid
  • Specific country outcomes
  • and so on
Price trends as Quanta of Aether
Economic Superphysics (as ‘Supereconomics ’) applies aethereal bands to know the real prices of everything. Social Superphysics applies it to know where society is heading whether into democracy, tyranny, aristocracy, or oligarchy. Adam Smith is our basis for the aethereal relativitiy of prices, just as Kepler (not Einstein) is our basis for spatial bands

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