Superphysics Superphysics

Material Superphysics

Material Superphysics deals with the properties and dynamics of the physical universe. It represents the Soul of the Physical Universe, as the body of the Supreme, just as Bio Superphysics is for the Mind of the Supreme
Material Superphysics Principles
From Socrates to Poincare
Material Superphysics Principles →
Fallacies of Physics
Being Fooled by the Illusion of Nature
Fallacies of Physics →
Solutions from Material Superphysics
Going beyond Newtonian technology
Solutions from Material Superphysics →
Bob Lazar's UFO Design
Bob Lazar's UFO Design →
De Broglie's Pilot Wave vs Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation
De Broglie's Pilot Wave vs Bohr's Copenhagen Interpretation →
How Muons Disprove Einstein's Relativity
How Muons Disprove Einstein's Relativity →
How Descartes' Explained Current Physics Phenomena
How Descartes' Explained Current Physics Phenomena →
The Elastic Theory of Gravity
The Elastic Theory of Gravity →
The Age of the Universe
The Age of the Universe →
Why did Venus transform from being habitable to being a hellish planet?
Why did Venus transform from being habitable to being a hellish planet? →
Levitation via Material Bands
Levitation via Material Bands →
The Creation Story and the 5 Elements According to Jesus
The Creation Story and the 5 Elements According to Jesus →