The Aethereal Layer
The aethereal layer
Chapter 1
The Aethereal Layer →
Chapter 2
The Upper, Middle, Lower Aethereal Sublayers →
Chapter 3
The Media of Aether (Moas) →
Chapter 3b
Action at a Distance →
Chapter 4
The Substance of Aether: The Free Aether →
Chapter 4c
The Creation of the Aethereal Universe →
Chapter 5
The Quantum of Aether: Monads →
Chapter 6
Perception: Why Time Moves Forward →
Chapter 8
Positive and Negative Polarity →
Chapter 8b
How We Found the Aether Drag →
Chapter 9
Aethereal Relationality: Motion is Internal →
Chapter 9b
How Kepler's Harmonic Ratios Create Movement →