Microvitum, the Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor
December 31, 1986 3 minutes • 612 words
Table of contents
In order to conceal our limitations or hide our imperfections about the things that we do not know, we say that:
- they are non-existent, or
- it is abstract
- This is the more intelligent style
In this universe, whatever comes within the scope of our senses or within the periphery of our perception, we say, “It is”.
We cannot say anything about whatever is beyond:
- the arena of the senses or
- the jurisdiction of perception.
Hence, our world functions within the limitations of our senses and perceptions.
- The first phase of brahmacakra is the phase of extrovert where subtle is transmuted into crude.
- The returning phase is introvert where “crude” is metamorphosed into “subtle”.
In this semicircular approach, there may be objects subtler than electrons or protons, [neutrons] or positrons.
But we find no alternative but to say that they are either electron or proton or positron or neutron.
Similarly, in the psychic sphere there are:
- ectoplasm [lower mind]
- endoplasm [higher mind]
- This is the extra-psychic coverage of ectoplasm
There may be entities subtler than these two*.
Superphysics Note
There are entities which come within the realm of both physicality and psychic expressions which are smaller or subtler than atoms, electrons or protons.
In the psychic realm, these may be subtler than ectoplasm [lower mind].
I use the term “microvitum” for such objects or for such entities*.
Superphysics Note
These microvita, are not of protoplasmic order.
Science treats carbon molecules or carbon atoms as the initial points of life in this universe.
These microvita have got little to do with carbon atoms or molecules.
So far as physicality is concerned, the position of these microvita is just between ectoplasm [lower mind] and electron, but they are neither ectoplasm nor electron. *
Superphysics Note
They are not of protoplasmic order. Hence the question of their protozoic structure or metazoic structure does not arise.
These microvita are not of the same density or the same subtlety.
Some of them may come within the range of a highly developed microscope*.
Superphysics Note
Some of them may not come within the range of a microscope. But they may come within the scope of our perception by:
- their actional expression or
- their actional faculty
- their actional vibrations
They are of subtler order.
Still subtler forms of microvita can only be detected by a special type of perception.
- This kind of perception is actually the reflection of conception within the edges of perception.
3 Categories
These microvita may be broadly divided into 3 categories:
- Those coming within the scope of a microscope [these are bacteria and viruses]
People call them “viruses”. But virus is a vague term. The better term will be microvitum, and not virus.
Those not coming within the scope of a microscope but coming within the scope of perception as a result of their expression, as a result of their actional vibration [from their actions]
Those not coming within the scope of common perception but coming within the scope of a special type of perception. [7 microvita]
This special type of perception may be felt by persons with highly developed or spiritually oriented minds.