Tattvika And Acarya Examinations
7 minutes • 1431 words
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I returned to Jamalpur and started preparing for the tattvika examination as per Baba’s orders.
After passing the tattvika examination, Baba instructed that I should under go acarya training and by Baba’s grace I cleared the acarya training also.
As I was under training, the opportunities of going for a walk with Baba in the evening were rare. More time was spent in the ashram.
During this period there were occasions when the manager of the ashram would differ with me. I began to think that he may be considering me as a rival and therefore feeling somewhat unhappy.
May be it was my pure imagination, but I decided that I would not go to the ashram when Baba was not there. After coming to this decision, I did not go to the ashram the next day.
Baba Teaches Us To Address Each Other With Respect
That very evening when I was going for a walk with Baba.
Did you go to the ashram today? Have you met the manager?
I replied in the negative.
While referring to the ashram manager, I suffixed the word “Babu’ with it.
Baba then asked why I addressed him as “Babu”. I asked how I should address him.
If he is older than you in age, call him ‘dada’ (elder brother). If he is younger, use only his name.
Then Baba told me to go again to the ashram. As Baba’s word was law for me, I immediately gave up my negative idea about going to the ashram.
Those days, all the offices kept morning hours. Baba’s office hours were also in the morning. The ashram manager was also working in the Baba’s office.
Despite Baba’s instructions, however, I could not get to the ashram even by the second day. But suddenly, at about 1:30 PM on that second day, despite the scorching afternoon heat of May, the ashram manager came to me himself at Bindeshwariji’s, where I was staying.
Due to the summer heat his face was red and he was perspiring profusely. But as soon as he arrived, he folded his hands in salutation and addressed me as ‘dada’.
I also returned the namaskar and called him ‘dada’. From that day, all brother disciples began to address each other respectfully as ‘dada’.
Baba Blesses A Cow With Spiritual Awakening
Jamalpur town is screened by a string of small hillocks in the North and the East.
They are older than the Himalayas in age. At one time, it was a dense and wild forest. But now all the big and small mountains are dead, barren and treeless.
Due to these bare rocks in Jamalpur, it becomes extra hot during summer.
During the summer of 1955, after Vaeshakhii Purnima, Baba was going for a walk one evening. It was my good luck for me that I was with Him. After a little walk, I noted that Baba’s shirt was getting wet with perspiration over his shoulders. I told Baba that it was exceedingly hot that day.
After a little more walking, Baba said, “Some years ago also summer was equally hot. Offices were working in the morning.
By the time we returned from the morning office it was nearly 1PM. At that time in the noon, due to terrible heat and hot winds, the roads were giving a deserted look.
One such day when I was returning from office and going towards my house, I saw a cow trying to drink some water under a tap. There was no water beneath on the ground beneath the tap and only a little water was dripping from the tap slowly.
The cow was taking this water on its tongue and thus trying to quench its thirst. Looking at the trouble that the cow was taking to drink some water in that boiling heat, I took pity and I patted it on the back.
After this, there was some tremour in her body and thereafter, she became quiet and began to look at me”. Baba paused, then continued, “Nagina, I quenched her thirst for innumerable births”.
Thus saying, Baba fell silent again.
“Baba, why there was a tremour in the body of the cow after You patted her?”
Baba revealed, “When I touched her on the back, her kulakundalinii was awakened and due to this vibration she began to tremble”.
I then enquired, “Then do even animals have kulakundalinii and can it also be awakened?”
Baba replied, “All creatures with a vertebra have kulakundalinii and it can be awakened. After this incident, that cow now began to stand in front of my house everyday at about the time I would go to the office.
When I came out of the house, the cow would look at me and then leave. Similarly she would wait for my return from the office also. She would wait till I returned and entered the gate, then she would go away again.
This routine continued for some days regularly. But one day I say that she had a wound on her body. This pained me and I asked her why she was incurring such hurts from people.
She stood there listening to my words.
I told her, ‘Do you know that now you are worthy of respect and people should salute you. If someone in ignorance or by mistake hurts you, they will be committing a sin. Why do you give such opportunities to people? Your work is over. Why should you keep the body now?’
I left her there after telling her this and did not see her later that day. The next day I came to know that she had given up the body.”
By the grace of Baba who is so compassionate this cow attained that supreme status which great yogiis and saints covet so much. It is my prayer that Baba may take a similar compassionate view of all His mental progeny.Salutations to Baba who is the Cause of this Universe and who Exists in the Shape of this Universe
Baba Recounts His Previous Lives
One evening I went to Baba’s residence for His darshan. I sat down after doing my pranam, and Baba began to reminisce. He said that in the 3rd birth before this body, He had been a Vedic scholar in Varanasi, named Shri Ram Chandra Upadhyaya.
Baba achieved the final goal of sadhana in that body. He was leading a family life and had 6 sons. Of his six sons, by then, two had already joined Ananda Marga in this birth, and the other four were also about to join it.
He said that my relation with Baba was with that body. Even today, Baba has a great liking for Varanasi.
After giving up that body, He took another human form in the Punjab in a Muslim family. But there also he remained vegetarian.
I was surprised as to why even after attaining enlightenment he took rebirth.
Baba replied that when he was Shri Ram Chandra Upadhyaya, a Muslim came to Him for initiation. But He refused him because He was a Vedic scholar and so He was averse to giving initiation to a Muslim. This refusal became a samskara that became the cause of His rebirth into a Muslim family.
I said, “Then Baba, in childhood You must have eaten, “Karimeb baraksayebar heleme ke hastam aseera kamande have”.
Baba began to smile and while giving a loving slap on my cheeks and said, “You have become quite mischievous”.
Baba then told me that He had become a faqir (Muslim mystic) in that body.
I asked whether He gave initiation in the Islamic fashion as a faqir. Baba said no. In that body, He still gave initiation in the Vedic manner. But He did not retain that body for long. He was killed in one of the riots that happened in the Punjab.
Thereafter, He came in the present body.
Baba said that between each one of those past lives it took Him less than 3 days to take another body.
In those 2 previous bodies also, Baba said He had initiated many persons.
Out of these, 37 of them had still retained their bodies up to 1955.
They used to come at least once in the year to have the darshan of Baba’s physical body. The majority of these people were doing sadhana in the forests. All of them had attained the final goal of sadhana.
Knowing these things from Baba Himself, I felt extremely grateful and felt still more fortunate that I had been related to Baba in my previous life.