February 24, 2024 7 minutes • 1445 words
Cabela, or Cabalia [Kaballah] is a most secret science.
It is is said to be delivered by divine inspiration, together with the law of Moses, the Hebrew Rabbies asserting the same.
The Persians were most diligent seekers of this Art, being also professors of the same, as appears by their calling of their wise men.
They call their Priests wise men, and most skilfull of all secrets, such as were those three that came to Christ out of the East to worship him, and not Kings, as the ignorant vulgar think them to be.
It was not set down in writing, but delivered by word of mouth.
After a while superstitious men, a kind of apes, began to spatter it with their pen, so that at last it is degenerated into monstrous superstition; by which means also Magick, which is the true wisdome that is received by divine inspiration, is accounted in these times Necromancy, and Nigromancy, so that it is an offence to be a wise man, and he that professeth it openly shall cast himself into danger. But to teach the foolishnesse of Infidels publickly is commendable, and a gift of singular wisdome, and no man is judged wise, but he that is the greatest foole.
Caballi, or Cabales are ghosts, and Astrall stars of men that dyed before their time.
Calcedonium tartarum is an offensive matter in mans body, which comes by reason of the defect of the expulsive faculty in not expelling what is separated.
Cafa is Champhir.
Calcanthum is Vitriall.
Calcinatum majus is called all that which is made sweet by the Spagiricall art, which of its own nature was not so, as the sweetnesse of Mercury, of Lead, of Salt or the like, which also is called their soul, and doth quickly consolidate any wound.
Calcinatum minus is all that which is natural sweet, and is very healing, as Sugar, Manna, Honey of the Wood, Nostock and the like.
Calcitis is a stone out of which brasse is boiled.
Caleruth is a signe of a desire to the first perpetuum, as when any thing desires to return into its first matter from whence it had its originall.
Callena is a kind of Saltpetre.
Calliette are yellow mushromes upon Juniper trees.
Calx Iovis is spirit of Tin.
Calx lignorum is the ashes of Wood.
Calx Luna is the Azure flower of Silver.
Calx Martis is Crocus of Steel or Iron.
Calx Mercurii is precipitated Mercury.
Calx Solis is calcined Gold.
Calx peregrinorum is Tartar.
Calx permanens or fixa, is an incombustible matter.
Calx Saturni is Minium.
Calx Veneris is Verdegrease.
Cambuca is an aposteme, or ulcer in the groin.
Caput corvi is Antimony.
Caput mortuum is the feces remaining after distillation, and sublimation.
Carbones cœli are the stars.
Carbunculus is an aposteme, or pestilent ulcer.
Cardonium is a medicinable Wine made of Hearbs.
Carena is the twentyeth part of a drop.
Caseus præparatus is the viscous residency remaining in the bottome of the milke that runnes out of the cheese.
Cassatum is weak, and dead bloud in the veins obstructing the motion of the good blood.
Cathimia is the spume of Silver.
Cauda vulpis rubicundi is Minium of Lead.
Cautela in Spagiricall art is a certaine kind of industry gotten by a habit, whereby the professors of the art doe more easily undergoe their labors, and perfect their operations.
Cauterium is a chirurgicall instrument, which opens the skin with burning; also it is a medicine that effects the same, but without pain.
Cedurini are dull wits.
Cementum is a dry Corrosion, when any Metalline body is calcined with salts, or such like drying things.
Cenigdam, or Ceningotam is a Chirurgicall instrument wherewith the Cranium is opened in fits of the Epilepsie.
Ceniotemium is Mercury prepared for the Venereal disease.
Cerviculæ is the spirit made out of the bone which is in the heart of a Hart.
Chaomancy is an art of presaging by the aire.
Chaos, besides the confused, and unshaped matter of all things, is in Paracelsus taken for the Aire; it is also taken for Illiaste, or Illiastro.
Character veneris is love, which is in stead of a shield in keeping off danger.
Cheiri in Paracelsus if it be put absolutely without any adjection, and if it be spoken of Mineralls, it signifies Quicksilver, if of Vegetables, Vegetable flowers. But when it is found with an adjection after this manner, flos Cheiri, it signifies the white Elixir made of silver, as Flos Anthos signifies the red Elixir.
Cherio is the occult accidentall virtue of the externall Elements, and not the qualities of heat, and cold, and the like.
Cherionium is that in which Nature cannot be altered, as Crystal, which is so hardened by nature, that it cannot bee melted as that which is made by Art.
Cherubin is a celestiall virtue, and influence, domination, and power above all dominations, and powers, proceeding from God, and descending upon the earth, and upon all men. Of this divine glory Paracelsus speaks largely in the expositions of the Psalms of David.
Cherva is Cataputia, i.e. the Hearb Spurge.
Chifir Minerale is of some interpreted Gold, but I judg it by what goes before to bee the Sulphur of any Metall.
Chiromancy according to Paracelsus doth not treat of the lineaments of the hands only, but also of the whole body, and not only of men, but all naturall things besides.
Chybur, or Cibur is Sulphur.
Chymia is the art of Separating pure from impure, and of making essences.
Chrysocolla is a kind of green earth like Verdegrease.
Chrysos is Gold.
Chymus is Feces.
Cineritium is Ciment of Gold, or Silver, which some call Regale.
Cinificatum is the same as Calcinatum, i.e. burnt to ashes.
Cist, or Kist, is the quantity of two Gallons of Wine.
Citrinula is a blistering Hearb called Crow-foot.
Citrinulum is a transparent salt, made out of calcined vitriall.
Citrinulus is pale Crystall.
Claretta is the white of Egs.
Clissus is the occult virtue of things returning from whence they came, as the virtue of an hearb into the root in Autumne.
Coagulatio is the making of a thin thing thick.
Cœli planetarum are the proper orbs, and their spheres.
Cœlum Philosophorum is any quintessence, or universall medicine, especially the Philosophers stone.
Cœlum Spagiricum is the upper part of a Philosophicall vessell.
Cohobatio is the often drawing off a liquor from its body, being oft put upon it.
Cohopb, or Cohop is the same as Cohobation.
Cohos is whatsoever the skin contains in the whole body.
Colcothar is calcined Vitriall, or the caput Mortuum of oyle of vitriall.
Coleritium is a Liquor compounded of the corrosive materialls of metals.
Colica is Tartar resolved in the bowells, or a fixt disease in the Colon gut.
Collatenna is an hearb called Lyons-foot, or a certain stiptick medicine.
Colliquation is melting, as metals are melted.
Cometz is half a drop.
Complexio is the nature of any part, or the quality of heat, and cold, and the like.
Compositum put absolutely is a body not separated.
Confirmamentum is the body of a star in man, or an Astrall body.
Confortativa, or Confortantia are medicines which comfort the heart, and strengthen Nature.
Congelativa are medicines which stop any flux.
Congluten is that, which by putrefaction is turned into a viscous matter.
Conservativa are medicaments which preserve Nature from putrefaction, being such things as are full of Astrall virtue.
Consolidativa are externall medicines which Chirurgions use in healing, and drying wounds, and ulcers.
Constellatio is the impression of superiour stars, or their virtues upon inferiour bodies.
Constrictiva are stiptick medicaments which Chirurgions use.
Contorsio is a torment of the bowells.
Contractio is a weaknesse of the members, and drawing of them together.
Coostrum is the middle part of the Diaphragma.
Cor amongst metals is called Gold.
Corbatum is Copper.
Cornu cervi is amongst the Chymists the nose of a still, amongst Paracelsus a vulnerary hearb.
Corpora cœlestia Spagyrorum are Astrall virtues in their matter.
Corpora supercœlestia are such bodies that are not known by sense, but by reason.
Corpus is the subject in which the virtues of things lie hid.
Corpus invisibile is the soul, which is corporeall in respect of its sustentation, and invisible by reason of its spirituality.
Corrosiva are medicines that Chirurgions use to eat off superfluous flesh.
Cortex Maris is the Vineger of Philosophers.
Coruscus is mouse-eare.
Cotoronium is a Liquor.
Cruor salis is salt separated from the first salt by fault of the second digestion.
Cucurbita is a vessell like a gourd.
Cycima is Litharge.
Cydar is Iupiter.
Cyphantum is a distillatory vessell, or the Art it self.