Superphysics Superphysics

The Metaphysics of the Reality you Desire

by Consolidated from Bashar
5 minutes  • 919 words
Table of contents

“Receiving” the Reality you Desire

A radio does not have to create the program it wishes to hear.

  • It merely needs to receive an already-existing program.
  • It makes itself an effective receiver by matching frequencies, synchronizing frequencies - creating a similarity of vibrations - with the program it wishes to receive.

Likewise, you don’t have to create the reality you desire, because it already exists - among the infinite probable realities all simultaneously co-existing.

  • All you have to do is make yourself an effective “antenna”, so that by similarity of vibrations, you can receive that reality.
  • This makes it physiologically “real” for you.

First, you have to be that vibration.

  • Then, you automatically receive that reality.

You must “see” the reality you prefer as now existing in the moment.

  • Then, it will become tangible in your outer reality.

How do we select which one of these we wish to “pull” to the foreground to experience?

We select and receive specific “versions” of reality by our beliefs.

  • We select and receive by our 100% trust in “what we know is so”.
Light Bulb

Let’s say you have many light bulbs - each of a different color.

By themselves, each light bulb can not light up - until it is screwed into a socket.

  • The socket provides the energy to “activate” the colored light bulb.
  • Without the socket, the colored light bulbs can do nothing.

Well, each belief is like a light bulb.

  • YOU are the socket (the energizng source that “activates” any particular belief ).

So, if you wish to change your belief, imagine unscrewing that belief (disconnecting its energy source) from its socket (YOU and YOUR ENERGY).

  • Then imagine screwing in your preferred belief into that socket.(thus activating it with YOUR ENERGY)
  • It’s that easy.

By itself, each belief has no energy and can do nothing.

  • The belief only “activates” when YOU energize it with YOUR energy.
  • ONLY YOU get to select which belief you wish to energize.

A radio must first vibrate at a certain frequency in order to “receive” a certain broadcast from all of the possible simultaneous broadcasts that happen to be vibrating at that frequency.

Likewise, each belief gets you vibrating at a unique set of frequencies.

  • These frequencies then attract, by sympathetic resonance, those holograms vibrating on the same frequencies.
  • Out of the “background” universal matrix of infinite possible holograms (all of the infinite possible “versions” of reality that are simultaneously existing), those holograms and symbols that synchronistically vibrate at the same frequencies as the frequencies of your belief, get “pulled out” from this matrix and “received” by you as the actual “external physical experiences” that you then sense as “real” - that you sense as “objective reality”.

So each belief is a unique set of frequencies which is a template that determines which holograms you attract into your experience.

What we believe and totally “trust to be so”, sets up the alignment from which we receive that particular “version” of reality.

This trust or “knowing” is the mechanism by which creation takes place. Without believing, we would create no reality and be non-existent.

At every given moment, we are always totally believing something.

All possible “versions” of your reality already exist right Now.

  • However, most of these “versions” are invisible to us.
  • They become “visible” only when we “tune” ourselves (via our beliefs), to be compatible and resonant with the frequencies of any one particular “version”.

Time is only a local “illusion” that does not really exist.

  • This means that everything you ever hope to “become” or “attain” has already become and attained.
  • If it’s “invisible” to you, that’s only because your beliefs do not yet have you vibrating in a manner that is synchronous with those versions.

You contain it ALL possible “versions”.

  • All these here/now versions are in various states of visible/invisible for you, depending on your beliefs relative to any particular version.

You “see” and “objectively experience” the versions that are synchronized with how you are vibrating.

  • It’s your beliefs at any given moment that determine how you are vibrating.

It’s all a hologram of many holograms.

In a hologram, each part of the hologram contains the information for the whole hologram.

The universe is structured holographically.

  • You are holographic.
  • Each possible “version” of your reality is also holographic.

You contain within you all possible versions of reality.

  • All holograms (versions of reality) are contained within you.

From all these infinite possibilities, you “select” the version to be experienced with your beliefs, imagination, and feelings.

  • Your imagination is the “archive” of all your possible holograms.

From this archive of possibilities, the version that you believe, or focus your imagination on, is your currently-selected version of reality.

Then you “activate” this selected version with your feelings.

The more intense the feelings, the more powerfully you activate this version, and the more quickly it manifests as your tangible reality.

Positive feelings activate the positive desired versions.

Negative feelings activate the negative undesired versions (the dreaded outcomes).

Your beliefs are the result of what you imagine, and then activate with your feelings.

The version with the most intense feelings attached to it, is the version that gets activated.

A program’s menu can offer you many choices.

  • All you have to do is click on one.

Likewise, your imagination is the total of all the available choices.

Moving the mouse to the desired choice is like focusing your imagination on one particular vision.

  • Clicking on that choice is like using your feelings to activate your selection.

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