Superphysics Superphysics

The Feedback Loop

by Consolidated from Bashar
7 minutes  • 1485 words
Table of contents

Your external physical reality is a feedback loop, to let you know what your beliefs are.

  • If your external reality is not what you prefer, you can change your beliefs, in order to change your external reality.

your Beliefs ===> your Perception of reality ===> your Feelings ===> your Thoughts, which then reinforce the original Beliefs

Your feelings and emotional reactions are the result of your beliefs.

  • To discover what your beliefs are, work backwards and ask yourself:

What would I have to believe, in order to end up feeling this way?

What would I have to believe, in order to end up perceiving this type of physical reality?

When you change your beliefs about any particular reality or issue, you instantly also change how you feel about that particular reality or issue.

This is why the interpretation (belief) you give any situation determines how you feel about it.

Changing your Beliefs

First, let go of the unnecesary belief that “Beliefs are hard to Change”.

Your beliefs steer which way your reality - your life - goes.

But your beliefs do not have any energy of their own.

  • Only YOU energize all YOUR beliefs.
Misconception “Seeing is Believing” (What we perceive determines what we believe.)
The Actuality “Believing is Seeing” (What we believe determines what we perceive!)

So, don’t wait to perceive it before you start believing it!

  • Believe it first, and then you will perceive it accordingly.

Beliefs ==> Perception ==> Interpretation ==> Emotional reaction ==> Thoughts ==> Action

  1. Your beliefs determine the reality that you perceive. Your beliefs determine your perception of reality.

  2. You then immediately, automatically, (and usually unconsciously) interpret your perception of reality. That is, you (arbitrarily) assign, project, and “superimpose” an interpretation onto your perception of reality.

  3. You then emotionally react to your interpretation of that reality.

  4. You then have thoughts about this reality.

  5. Then, based on your emotions and thoughts, you take action.

When you are watching television and the current program displeases you, you do not try to change or transform that program. Instead, you simply choose another program that you do prefer.

Likewise, if the reality you are experiencing displeases you, you do not need to “change” or “transform” that reality.

You only need to choose another version of reality to “receive”, by synchronizing your vibrations with the “version” of reality you do prefer to experience. It already exists.

All you have to do is “receive” it. You select the “channel” you’re watching in life.

A TV set does not “create” the program it’s displaying. It just “selects” it and “allows it in”.

A radio does not “create” the radio program it’s playing. It just “selects” it and “allows it in”.

Realizing this, it should make it feel even EASIER to create/select/allow the version of reality you wish to experience, because it already exists.

3 Phases to Receive the “Version” of Reality that You Prefer

  1. See it. (mental)

Visualize it. Imagine it. Daydream it. Visualize it clearly.

You don’t need to visualize it for a long time. Short time is sufficient, but you need to visualize it clearly. You need to have a solid clear picture. Visualizing it creates the blueprint, so see it in great detail.

See it ==> Become an efficient Mental Antenna to receive this “version” of reality.

  1. Feel it. (emotional)

Get excited & passionate about it! How would you feel if you had it now? Feel that now! Plug into your vision with all your emotions & all your senses, as if you had it now! Involve all your senses - imagine smelling it, touching it, tasting it, etc.

Feel it ==> Become an efficient Emotional Antenna to receive this “version” of reality.

  1. Be it. (physical)

Physical action. Do it! To ground the experience. Do actions that most closely mimic the actions you “see” yourself doing in your vision. Gather and use whatever props mimic that scenario, and do a “dry run”. Doing this “make believe” physical action trains the body consciousness.

This makes it “real for you now”, so the universe then delivers it to you. NOTE= This physical action does not directly cause this desired reality to manifest. Instead, this physical action creates a more precise vibration in yourself, making you a better antenna to receive it, by you becoming more aligned to the same vibration. The reality you desire already exists. You do not have to create it. You only have to receive it.

Be it ==> Become an efficient Physical Antenna to receive this “version” of reality.

In other words,

  1. See it. ===> Become a precise mental antenna to “receive” that version of reality.
  2. Feel it. ===> Become a precise emotional antenna to “receive” that version of reality.
  3. Be it. ===> Become a precise physical antenna to “receive” that version of reality.

You already have everything you desire!

Since you contain EVERYTHING, and all possible versions of your reality are all actually simultaneously existing and “real”, you therefore already have everything you desire or could ever desire. You contain it all! You have already been given everything you could ever hope to have or want. It’s just that it may not be “visible” (and therefore “real”) to you.

Creation all exists Here-Now, outside time, in one eternal-Now moment. Therefore, everything that you believe you might “someday” get, you actually already have! Everything is here now, but in varying states of visibility/invisibility - depending on the frequencies on which you are vibrating, which depends on the beliefs that you accept as “real”.

When you “pray” for something, you do not need to pray to get something you do not already have, since it’s already right there in front of you. Instead, you are actually praying to be able to see that you actually already have it. Because…..when you can see that you already have it, then your vibration frequency-matches the vibration of that which you desire.

And once you frequency-match with that which you desire, then it has to manifest in your reality! Everything is energy. You can not help but then get that reality, because that’s the physics of how the universe works. When you match-frequencies with what you desire, you will then see that it has always been “right here”, just waiting for you to notice it and start enjoying it.

Shifting between Parallel Realities

There are infinite:

  • versions of reality
  • parallel realities

They are all equally “real”, though you experience only 1 version at any given moment.

Shifting from one version to another is not really that unnatural or difficult, since you are doing it all the time anyway - billions of times every second.

So it’s not so much a matter of “making it happen”.

It’s more a matter of directing or “steering” which parallel reality you shift into - at any moment.

Shifting parallel realities is akin to films changing still-pictures 24 times per second, or video changing still-pictures 25 or 30 times per second. It happens so fast, that it creates the illusion of smooth continuous motion.

When you shift to another version of reality, you become the “you” that already existed in that version. And the “you” in the version you just left, is still “real” and still “there”.

Shifting from one parallel reality to another is like “closing your eyes” in one version and “opening your eyes” in another version.

Shifting from one parallel reality to another is like “viewing through the window of another you” and no longer “viewing through the window of the previous you”.

But keep in mind that this “new you” and the “previous you” are still both “real”, and have both always existed……….since YOU are EVERYTHING and YOU have ALWAYS EXISTED.

So shifting parallel realities boils down to the YOU-that-is-EVERYTHING shifting the perspective or point-of-view from which it’s viewing a part of its EVERYTHING-SELF.

And sensing yourself as everything is not losing your identity. In contrast, it is expanding your self-identity to include EVERYTHING.

Handling challenging situations

Before you start, make sure you are thinking of this as a “challenge” rather than a “problem”, because “problems” are by definition difficult to resolve, and it is actually the way you choose to define your reality that determines the outcome you experience! A “challenge” is much more likely to have a desirable outcome than a “problem”.

Then, go into your imagination and imagine the version of reality you would like to be experiencing. Make sure you are including yourself in that picture.

Specifically, imagine the “ideal” version of you - the “you” you would most like to be. Then insert this current challenging situation into your imaginary scene and notice how this imaginary “ideal you” handles the situation. Then just copy that behavior out here!

Act the same way that the “you” in your imagination acted when confronting this situation.

You know everything you need to know to be who you desire to be - at any given moment.

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