Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 1

The Convertible Layer of Superphysics

by Juan
1 minutes  • 211 words
Table of contents

The Convertible Layer is the fourth layer. It downgrades the radiant energies and particles into material ones.

Attribute Quality
Name Conversion
Physics Name Weak Interaction
Traditional Name Water, Jala, 土
Descartes’ Name 1st Element
Domain Physical
Force Change
Medium W- (moc1), W+ (moc2). Z Bosons (moc3)
Substance Neutron
Quanta Neutrino (qoc1)
Aether Content 2
Movement Mostly Kinetic
Quality Rare

It manifests as radioactivity, chemical change, flavor changing, and is governed by the ‘Weak Force’ and graphically through Feynman diagrams.

A Feynman diagram
A Feynman diagram converted to Material Superphysics

In terms of creation, this is the fourth layer that processes energies and matter into other kinds.

Definition of the Convertible Layer

This layer creates the diversity in the material universe. This has both dynamic and static parts.

Its particles are made up of 2 aether particles. This makes it very unstable. This inherent instability lets it convert other particles, both radiant and material.

This layer was traditionally associated with water and liquids because they are always moving and can switch between gas, liquid, and solid.

The importance of liquids in Conversion is seen in convertible quanta, as neutrinos, being detectable in liquid argon and chlorine.

This layer is also the least known by Physics because, like spacetime, it is dynamic and hard to detect.

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