Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 4b

How Energy and the 2 Forces Manifest in the 5 Layers

by Juan Icon
August 1, 2023 3 minutes  • 481 words
Table of contents
Axioms Propositions
The 2 Forces in Physical Reality This manifests as different kinds of energy, a bit different from Physics entropy

How Energy Manifests in the 5 Layers

Superphysics is the paradigm that sees the universe or reality as being made up of 2 Forces and 5 Layers.

These 2 Forces, as the unifying Positive and the divisive Negative, are the source of all movement.

Layer Energy Manifestation
Aethereal Strength of idea or feeling Sound
Spatial Strength of a vortex (black hole) Gravity
Radiant Energy in a photon or electron Heat, Light, Electricity
Convertible Energy in a W Z boson Change
Material Energy in an atomic nucleus Identity

Everything in existence therefore has varying degrees of identifiability, changeability, visuality, temperature, and audibility. The layers work in a hierarchy, with the aether being most superior, and matter being the most inferior.

Unity or Disunity Instead of Order or Disorder

In Physics, energy leads to the concept of entropy which is the order or disorder of systems.

Instead of order or disorder, our system makes use of the words ‘unity’ or ‘disunity’. This is most useful in the aethereal layer where sounds can be united in a chorus, or disunited as noise.

It would be better to say that a family, society, or sports team is ‘united’ instead of ‘orderly’. Similarly, a car is united when all its parts are kept together, and disunited when it suffers a car crash or is left to rust.

This unity is facilitated by the unifying force in Nature, called Yang in Taoism or Shiva in Hinduism, which we call the Positive Force.

The disunity is facilitated by the divisive force, called Yin or Shakti, which we call the Negative Force.

Science was created by the Europeans who built knowledge from the bottom material layer – the most inferior but most obvious one. From the bottom, they worked their way up to the Convertible Layer via Chemistry, and the Radiant (Electromagnetic Layer) via Electricity.

This led to a messy, fragmented, and non-intuitive system of knowledge.

For example, Physics is now split into Particle Physics and Quantum Physics.

Medicine is split into Western Medicine and Alternative Medicine.

Economics is split into Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Behavioral Economics, Welfare Economics, etc.

We clean up this mess by putting all knowledge into the 5 Layers, and adding the 2 Forces of unity (Yang or Shiva) and disunity (Yin or Shakti) as its operators. These then create everything in reality.

For example, the 2 Forces manifests in 10 ways, depending on the Layer that they operate:

  • In the Aethereal layer, they manifest as harmony versus chaos
  • In the Spatial layer, they manifest as counterclockwise (stars, galaxy) versus clockwise rotation (pulsars, quasars)
  • In the Radiant layer, they manifest as waves versus particles
  • In the Convertible layer, they manifest as right-hand versus left-hand spin
  • In the Material layer, they manifest as negative versus positive charges

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