Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 4

The Three Rules of Movement

by Juan Icon
January 3, 2022 2 minutes  • 272 words
Table of contents
Axioms Propositions
The Law of Conservation of Idea in Physical Reality This leads to the Theory of Dynamism as the Rules of Movement

The Law of Conservation of Idea of Superphysics leads to the idea of unique gravitational signatures in each identity which must be maintained. The interaction of these signatures leads to the movement of each identity as it is attracted or combined or is repulsed or evicted by other identities.

The principles of the resulting movements can be summarized into three rules, as explained by Rene Descartes. Instead of Newton’s Laws, we use Descartes’ Rules as they are consistent not only with Classical and Quantum Mechanics, but also with the Biology, Medicine, Sociology, Economics, and other sciences.

Rule 1

This absorbs Newton’s First and Second Laws.

rule 1

Rule 2

This matches Newton’s Third Law.

rule 2

Rule 3

This leads to angular momentum and the path integrals of Quantum Mechanics.

rule 3

Newton was unable to think of probabilistic paths because he ascribed the cause of movement to matter. This led him to believe that gravity was a pulling force which did not necessitate different paths.

In reality, gravity is pushing force from the invisible aether that directs things towards mass.

Rule 3 is important because, when combined with Rule 1, it has Poincare’s Law of Relativity baked in, which we call as Aethereal Relationality. This is to avoid the word ‘Relativity’ in search engines.

Rule 3 leads to gravitational lensing and wave-particle duality. This also removes the need for Einstein’s fabric, tensors, and c. It restores gravity as a force and demotes spacetime as an illusory effect of gravitation instead of being its cause.

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