Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 3b

Notating the MSQ Classification

by Juan Icon
1 minutes  • 87 words
Table of contents


Charges are denoted as male or female.

Charges of Particles
Physics Superphysics
Negative - Male ♂
Positive + Female ♀
Neutral Neutral ⚥


Antimatter is denoted with a negative sign in the front, different from Physics which is in a superscript.

Physics Superphysics
Antimatter - Antimatter -
Matter + Matter +

Periodic Table of Elements

We use the atomic number of elements as their name. This will be explained in Part 5, Chapter 4.

Name Chemistry Superphysics
Hydrogen H e1 or “e 1”
Water H2O (2)1-8 or “1-duo-8”

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