Superphysics Superphysics

Why String Theory is a waste of time

by Juan Icon
May 23, 2023 2 minutes  • 409 words

When electrons were first discovered orbiting the nucleus, physicists tried to predict their movements using Newton’s Laws as F=m(v2/r).

However, it didn’t work. So Einstein tried to use his Special Relativity and it also didn’t work.

Niels Bohr solved it by proposing that the electrons followed pre-defined energy levels from the aether.

This led to Quantum Mechanics for small-scale movements which was based on state-change, in line with Descartes’ Physics wherein internal state is the source of movement. This is different from Newtonian Physics where external forces are the cause of movement.

Like Newton, Einstein’s General Relativity also believes that movement comes from outside, as external mass that ‘warps’ spacetime.

General Relativity, which explains large-scale movements, is thus in opposition to Quantum Mechanics, which explains small-scale movements.

To unify both, physicists invented string theory wherein particles become threads which integrate with the fabric of spacetime.

In this way, it uses predefined levels, as “dimensions”, like Quantum Mechanics in the small-scale, and the arbitrary warping of spacetime in the large scale.

The big problem with this is that General Relativity is a false theory to begin with because it negates the aether by enshrining electromagnetism which is inferior both to the aether and spacetime.

This makes spacetime arbitrary, leading to make-your-own-spatecimes like Taub-Nut, Godel, DeSitter, etc.

As a result, General Relativity messes up Quantum Mechanics and renders it forever incomplete.

String theory is really a Frankenstein theory that creates arbitrary dimensions. This arbitrariness makes it unscientific and untestable.

Descartes’ Physics solves this by deleting Einstein’s Relativity and replacing it with Poincare’s Law of Relativity which is based on state change.

It instead proposes that all movement comes internally from the state of the core of a particle, object, planet, or galaxy.

These states have predefined levels or ranges. The relative interaction of the states creates movement, whether as energy emission or gravitation. It also contracts space and dilates time depending on the relative wave-states.

These pre-defined ranges lead to Francis Bacon Tables. In this way, you don’t compute things from scratch. Instead, you get the relevant data, then consult the table. From there, you can make your computations to get more precision.

The manipulation of wave-states will therefore create anti-gravity and the teleportation of masses, both of which are impossible if you regard movement as coming from the outside.

Instead of arbitrary dimensions, there are 7 dimensions matching the different way the aetherspace can house distinct universes within the multiverse.

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