Superphysics Superphysics

The Elastic Theory of Gravity

by Juan Icon
July 16, 2023 3 minutes  • 509 words

Our theory of gravity is called the Elastic theory derived by consolidating the theories of Kepler, Descartes, and Socrates among others.

It is based on the properites of the aether which is the fifth element of the five-elements model of ancient greece, india, and china.

The aether has been used historically by levitating monks who defy gravity without any application of external force or mass.

In ancient Egypt, it was used to make the pyramid blocks lighter for easier transportation and softer for easier cutting.

Those technologies are impossible with Newtonian Mechanics, or even Einstein’s Relativity.

As practicing Hindu-Buddhists, we know how this technique works. We put the principles of the aether into a Theory so that we can replicate such techniques and implement them as technolgoy for construction, transportation, nuclear fusion, etc.

Newton’s system believes that the cause of movement is external to the object, specifically as contact forces and the force of gravitation from mass. This is simplistic, obvious, and matter-based.

The simplicity of Newton’s system is fine with every day objects. But it fails when an object travels very fast, such as light itself.

Einstein’s system tries to solve the problems in Newton’s system by adding the belief that gravitation comes from the fabric of spacetime. Gravity to him is no longer a force, but a warping of spacetime.

This is totally sophistical and violates the simplisity of Newton and of Nature itself.

Our system is from Descartes and Kepler who believed that movement comes internally. Instead of matter, gravity comes from the relationship between 2 objects.

This keeps the simplicity of Nature but takes the immaterial perspective of the aether, which is the opposite of the material perspective of Newton.

The mere act of perception automatically creates a perception link between the perceiver and the object. We call this link a gravitational band.

This link is made of pure aether which is the material of ideas and feelings, as well as of the abstract mind that houses those ideas and feelings.

The movements of attraction, repulsion, and circular orbits are decided by the quality of this aetheral band which can be strengthened, weakened, or broken.

These bands extend to the metaphysical domain

There are 3 kinds of gravitational bands om the physical domain.

The bands extend to the metaphysical domain and explains the attraction and repulsion between lovers, societies, political parties, companies, countries, etc. This is why this is a universal theory.

Superphysics is our proposed science that studies and explains the aether and the 5 Elements of Nature.

Material Superphysics explains the nature and properties of these bands in the material domainmanifesting as the movement from mass or contact forces, magnetism, gravity, dark matter, and dark energy.

Medical Superphysics explains how these bands work in healthcare agriculture and animal health. This is to plot the lifetime movement or growth of living beings towards good health or towards diseases

Social Superphysics explains how these bands work between societies to explain their movement from poverty to prosperity, from liberalism to tyranny, or from peace to war.

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