The Age of the Universe

January 8, 2023 9 minutes • 1729 words
Table of contents
Physicists and astronomers were surprised that the James Webb Telescope revealed new facts about the universe
- The universe was spread out more evenly than expected
- The oldest galaxies were smaller compared to our younger Milky Way and were more than expected
To this we add earlier surprises from cosmic microwave background (CMB) data:
- Gravitational waves did not exist in the CMB
- The temperature differences in the CMB did not have much variety

The cause of these surprises was the false materialist belief called The Big Bang Theory which says that the universe began as a mass of singularity that exploded to create spacetime and the current galaxies.
Such a theory would lead to the following assumptions:
- There should be more galaxies at a certain region of the universe compared to others
- Old galaxies should be bigger than new ones
- Gravitational waves should be present because there is expansion and therefore a fabric of spacetime
- There should be more temperature differences because of the expansion
Such assumptions were destroyed by the findings of:
- the James Webb Telescope which could detect red-shift, and thus, get more information about distant galaxies
- the Planck satellite which detected the CMB
The Cause of the Error: Confusing Time with Light
The whole cause of the error is the ignorance of physicists on the division of labor in Nature. In this case, they confuse and mix age and light together.
For example, they know that the light from the sun takes 8 minutes to get to Earth. From this, they infer that that light is 8 minutes old and is not exactly the same as the light that is just being emitted from the sun’s surface.
- The sunlight that hits the Earth is older than the light on the Sun’s surface from an absolute point of view.
- The sunlight that hits the Earth is younger than the light on the Sun’s surface from the sun’s point of view.
They then extend this error onto distant galaxies. For example, they think that the light from a galaxy 1 billion light years away would be 1 billion years older from an absolute point of view.
So they get perplexed when they see such old galaxies behaving as if they were just a few million years old.
The Physics of Descartes (and Spinoza) gets rid of their confusion by saying that they are correct in thinking that the light from the sun takes 8 minutes to get here. But they are wrong in saying that the information that goes with that light is also 8 minutes old. reality, the information from that light is current and up-to-date.

This is why Descartes insisted that the speed of light is instantanous. He really meant the speed of aethereal information within that light. This is the same principle behind quantum entanglement, quantum teleportation, and pilot-wave theory.
Descartes explained that light has 3 properties:
- Info-carrier
- Wave
- Particle

An analogy is a courier that delivers a TV (particle) to you. The delivery might take 8 minutes, but the TV show (info) is up to date.
The lag in electromagnetic communication is caused by the blockages caused by matter. Outer space has not much matter and so the information from stars is more or less current and up to date.
So those farther galaxies detected by the James Webb Space Telescope are not older. They are just farther. This makes their star formation normal.
The red shift is a property of spacetime, and not of light. It happens only at the edges of galaxies and stars where their territories clash with those of others. This clash creates the visible stretching.
Red shift is a property of spacetime, and not of light
There are no gravitational waves in the CMB because such waves are a product of black holes which are allied with light, and not microwaves. The latter is allied with time, and so the CMB is a better basis of the age of the universe than redshift.
Einstein is to Blame
Why did physicists confuse light and time?
This is because Einstein used the speed of light as the measuring rod for space. Since spacetime is one being, then light also measures time. Therefore, the age of something is determined by its light.
However, this is totally wrong because Spacetime (called the ‘2nd Element’ in Cartesian Physics and ‘Spatial Layer’ in our Superphysics) is superior to Electromagnetism (called the 1st Element in Cartesian Physics and the Radiant Layer in Superphysics).
It would be like using a janitor as the benchmark to judge the merits of a CEO or executive – a good CEO is one who cleans toilets spotlessly and wipes all the windows clearly!
In Physics, this manifests as the Strong Force (called the 3rd Element by Descartes and the Material Layer in Superphysics) as being the highest principle. This leads to the Big Bang Theory which states that the universe came from a material singularity. From that singularity emerged spacetime and light.
The Proper Theory: Spacetime Waves in the Aetherspace
We bring back the superiority of Spacetime over Electromagnetism and Matter through the Aether as the aetherspace.
Instead of a material big bang, the universe began as an aethereal idea of the Supreme Mind which Hindu science calls Saguna Brahma.
So the Supreme had an idea for a physical univere and so deployed it in the aetherspace. This resulted in a universe with spacetime.

In the illustration above, each slice is a spacetime within the aetherspace.
If you go back to the physical beginning of this universe, then you will merely experience a different version of this universe.
This is because our universe is made known to use through waves of light in space. If we try to chase the start of the universe, by chasing the red shift, we will find ourselves with new waves of light that will point to a new Big Bang. Rather our Big Bang would seem to “move back”. This is seen nowadays as astronomers adding more age to our universe.
This means that the universe has no single starting point other than the mind that is perceiving that universe.
- If the James Web Telescope teleported to another galaxy, it would see the same even distribution of galaxies. It would then recompute the age of the universe based on the perspective of that galaxy and find that the age is different. This would prove Descartes correct that the age and size of the universe is indefinite.
- If it positioned itself at the edge of the known universe and tried to teleport beyond the edge, it would merely go to another nearly-exact universe and not go into a Void
Therefore, the age of a universe depends on the star, galaxy, or layer where the perceiving mind is.
- Humans are on the Material Layer, as material creatures, going onto the Convertible and Radiant (Electromagnetic) Layers. From this layer, the universe is 13.8 billion years old.
The emergence of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the birth of the Radiance (Electromagnetism) of our sector. It is not the start of the universe.
But from a mind or species that is in the Radiant (Electromagnetic) Layer, such as creatures made up of photons instead of atoms, the universe is just a few ‘years’ old.
From a species in the spacetime layer, the universe is a few ‘days’ old.
From a species in the aethereal layer, the universe is a few ‘seconds’ old and even instantaneous. This is because the aethereal layer is closest to the non-layer which we call ‘probabilty’. Moreover, it is also above spacetime, making time irrelevant. This then makes questions of age or timespan irrelevant.
The age of a universe depends on the star, galaxy, or layer where the perceiving mind is
The layer that the mind occupies then depends on the strength of the Negative Force on it.
As material creatures, the human species has a lot of Negativity within it, as well as other material animals and plants. This negativity manifests as the conflicts, recessions, inequality, stress from working for money, and other kinds of suffering that seems inseparable from human nature. Even plants and animals have to struggle to survive, proving the confinement of the Negative on them.
Our Unification Solution for Newton and Descartes
To solve the conflict between materialists and ‘aetherealists’ for good, we equate the aether to Newton’s ‘Spirit’ which he says dominates matter.
A Spirit pervades and lies hidden in all gross bodies. Its action and force causes the particles of bodies to mutually attract one another at near distances, cohere if contiguous, emit light and heat bodies.
All animal bodies move at the command of the will through the vibrations of this Spirit. These vibrations travel from our sense organs to the brain and from the brain to the muscles. My work can lay the foundation to discover how this Spirit operates.
Therefore, Netwon ascribes gravity to matter which is then dominated by an aethereal Spirit. In short form, this makes the aether the root cause of gravity, made perceivable by matter. This is the same as what Descartes was explaining.
Therefore, both Newton and Descartes ascribe the cause of reality to vibrations of the aether.
Superphysics interprets such vibrations as waves and is why Superphysics is technically a wave-based science , notated by qualimath in order to realize shiny new spacetime and aethereal technologies.
Newton explained that the vibrational Spirit operates on both gravity and impulses in the brain. This is why Superphysics has Material Superphysics for gravitational vibrations, and Bio Superphysics for ‘brain vibrations’ (soul vibrations).
We also have Social Superphysics for social vibrations such as the ones that trigger economic, political, and social actions. We even test vibrations on plants, as part of Agricultural Supereconomics, by trying out different sounds to increase crop yield.
We were able to unite Newton and Descartes because we went outside the box of Western Science and tapped what the Asian Sciences of Hinduism, Taoism, and the Ancient Greek had discovered much earlier.
We were able to look into all of what Western science and Asian science had written down because the internet was invented and it allowed such information to be available to all.