The Ideology Matrix-Vector

July 21, 2021 5 minutes • 954 words
Table of contents
Social Cycles + Spacetime
Modern Sociology and Political Science have confused different socio-political belief systems with each other. The most common examples are:
- Socialism being confused with Communism
- Liberalism being confused with Libertarianism
- Capitalism being confused with Business Interests
To fix this, we created the Ideology Matrix which classifies every socio-economic-political idea that can be possibly generated by the human mind.
It combines David Hume’s explanation of the dynamics of the mind, with Socrates’ cycles which match the Hindu Varnashrama system and the Egyptian class system:
Socrates | Hinduism | Egyptian |
Democracy | Shudras | Shepherds, Hunters |
Tyranny | Ksatriyas | Warriors |
Aristocracy | Brahmins | Priests |
Oligarchy | Vaeshyas | Artificiers |
Our society is made up of:
- a caste of priests separated from all the others
- artificers, who ply their several crafts by themselves
- shepherds, hunters, husbandmen
- warriors who are distinct from all the other classes
By doing so, we:
- unify eastern and western metaphysics
- show that both had the same core observations of human society and the human species, but using different terminologies

It’s a 3D matrix that classifies ideas based on three axes:
- Selfishness-nonselfishness
- This is a function of ego or the entity observing existence
- Selfishness is from the Negative Force. Non-Selfishness is from the Positive (though from the perspective of the self, selfishness can be seen as Positive and selflessness as Negative)
- Objectivism-nonobjectivism
- This is a function of the natural duality of existence, or physics versus metaphysics, within space-time
- Objectivism is from the Negative Force. Subjectivism (respecting the opinion of others) is from the Positive
- Social cycles
- This is a function of how the ego changes in duality in different space-times, as how the Positive and Negative fight each other
By plotting their core ideas in our matrix, it is easier to see how Marxism (Communism) is different from all other belief systems.
The ideas then progress in a cyclical way from democracy to oligarchy, then back to democracy. For example:
- the expansionist ideas of the tyrannical Mongol Yuan dynasty was overturned by the Ming dynasty
- the Ming started as aristocratic but turned oligarchic as it focused on trade and its Treasure fleet
- the Ming Hong Wu emperor was later overturned by the isolationist policy of the more-democratic Qing dynasty
- finally, it was overturned by Communist tyranny

In America, this can be seen in:
- the oligarchy created by George W. Bush which was overturned by the democracy of Obama
- the democracy of Obama was later overturned by the tyranny of Trump
Vectorization of Ideas (Update Nov 2024)
The plotting of these abstract ideas and ideologies through time exposes how they change through the years. For example:
- The Communism in China under Mao is differnt from the Communism of Xi which has state capitalism
- We can say that China’s Communism has moved towards more personal selfishness, but still not as selfish as Western Capitalism
- The belief in Jesus of the Catholic church is different from the belief of the modern evangelical churches
- The modern era has changed Jesus from a non-objective spiritual Saviour into an objective prosperity giver
- The Big Bang theory during the time of Einstein is different from the modern Lambda CDM model
- The modern theory is more objective because of the data from modern telescopes
These movements of ideas can be thought of as vectors in a vector space which we call the aetherspace. The goal of Superphysics is to move human ideologies towards the center by applying both a pull and push tactic. This is similar to the hammer and anvil approach of Alexander the Great.
For example:
- in authoritarian countries like China and North Korea, personal autonomy under a single ruler or ideology could be encouraged
- in liberal countries like the US and Europe, materialism can be checked by pushing people towards abstract non-objective ideas through the central education system
The most sustainable ideologies, political philosophies, and economic systems are those that are near the center, which balance non-selfishness and objective-ness, while adapting to changes in the social cycles.
In Buddhism , this is called the Middle Way and is essential to sustainable happiness.
In economics, this would be Capitalist systems having a bit of Socialism (as what the Nordic countries are doing), or Socialist systems having a bit of Capitalism (as what China is doing, though they seem to take the state capitalism side too far).
Israel Example
We can visualize the flow of Israeli society-organism below:

The central part represents the dharma of society. Being far from the center means that the society was away from its dharma or was adharmic.
Essential to Social Superphysics
The ideology matrix is an essential part of Social Superphysics as it will help advance beliefs and ideologies that are near the center, yet flexible enough to fit the current cycle of the country where it will be implemented. This will make it global yet local at the same time. It is implemented as one of the features of ISAIAH Match which is our machine learning platform.