Superphysics Superphysics

Solutions from Supereconomics

The Usufruct Economy-as-a-Service
The Usufruct Economy-as-a-Service →
The Operational Ratios of the Points-based System
The Operational Ratios of the Points-based System →
Swap Donations
A New Transaction Type
Swap Donations →
How to Reduce the 2020 Inflation
Ban Crypto and NFT
How to Reduce the 2020 Inflation →
Automated Natural Intelligence (ANI) for Supereconomics
Automated Natural Intelligence (ANI) for Supereconomics →
How to Restore the Gold Standard through Clearing Funds
How to Restore the Gold Standard through Clearing Funds →
What is Points Banking?
A new value-circulation system
What is Points Banking? →
5 Tips on How to be Rich according to Adam Smith
5 Tips on How to be Rich according to Adam Smith →
How to Prevent Economic Stagnation
According to Adam Smith
How to Prevent Economic Stagnation →
How to Solve Inequality
Taxation and Structural Reform to Protect the Lower Class from the Wealth Gap
How to Solve Inequality →
How to be a Wealthy Country
How to be a Wealthy Country →
Socio-economic Suggestions for the Tasmanian Economy
Socio-economic Suggestions for the Tasmanian Economy →