Superphysics Superphysics

Fallacies of Both Neoclassical and Marxist Economists

We group the fallacies and sophistries by shallow economists or people who write about Economics whether Capitalist or Marxist
Money is Not Credit
Money is Not Credit →
Keynesian Economics is Socialism for Wall Street
Keynesian Economics is Socialism for Wall Street →
The Market Equilibrium Fallacy Part 1
How Economics Leads to Crises
The Market Equilibrium Fallacy Part 1 →
The Market Equilibrium Fallacy Part 2
How Economics Leads to Crises
The Market Equilibrium Fallacy Part 2 →
The Different Notions of Interest Rates
How Keynes Messed-up Things
The Different Notions of Interest Rates →
The Inelastic Supply Curve Sophistry
The Inelastic Supply Curve Sophistry →
The Resource Based Economy
Why The Venus Project Will Never Be Realized
The Resource Based Economy →
The Circular Flow of Economics vs Superphysics
Profits vs Balance
The Circular Flow of Economics vs Superphysics →
Ricardo's Labor Theory of Value
Chapter 1: On Value, Section 1
Ricardo's Labor Theory of Value →
Law of Supply and Demand Fallacy
Mankiw is wrong
Law of Supply and Demand Fallacy →
Profit Maximization is Absurd
Why is there no rent and wage maximization in Economics?
Profit Maximization is Absurd →
Simple Say's Law
Why the Production Motive is bad
Simple Say's Law →