Superphysics Superphysics


by Dada
3 minutes  • 558 words

Ananda Marga is growing at such speed that our workers must be careful not to pass most of their time only fulfilling requests to teach meditation or answering endless questions.

The need for organizing social work is just as great.

Fortunately, Margis of Japan and Taiwan are proving helpful in arranging medical equipment, clothing, and other donations. Local government bodies, clubs and organizations are also cooperative. In fact, for every offer of cooperation that we accept, there are many others that we are forced to reject due to our own limitations.

Our new Margis hired a professional translator, who is regarded as the foremost English speaker of Khabarovsk.

When we requested her to join our meditation, she hesitated and said, “I don’t really think I am capable of such a thing.”

Eventually she did sit with us, for a full hour.

Afterward she said, “There must be something wrong with me. I couldn’t help crying throughout almost the entire meditation.” Imagine, this lady who had not the slightest Tantric knowledge, has already had an awakening of the spiritual force in her spine.

I remember what Baba told me during a walk in Germany in 1979:

“In the future, big spiritual festivals will be held in both Moscow and Beijing.” At the time I could not imagine how our programs could be openly held in the two countries which most represented the suppression of spirituality.

Khabarovsk, Russia. During a question-and-answer session with a group of Margis, a sister said, “It is clear to all of us that Dadas and Didis possess immense devotion for Baba. Some of us also feel a little love for Him.

But how can we ever hope to achieve a deep communion with Guru, when we are unable to meet Him? You were lucky. We are unlucky.”

Before replying, I momentarily thought of Baba, as I always try to do before any action, and, without expecting it, a flood of energy rose in my spine. All my cells tingled as the answer thrust itself before my eyes—an answer I had searched for so long.

There was that question that remained unanswered within me for so many years: Why had He caused me such intense suffering by not allowing me to meet Him during my first 7 years as a worker?

Why did He stop me that day I was determined to break into His Patna prison cell?

Why did He pull me into a trance while sitting in the prison office during which He psychically stroked my head and said, “There is a very good reason why I am not allowing you to meet me… a very good reason”.

I finally knew the reason! It was for the sake of people who would never be able to physically meet Him, to whom I could say with uncontrived conviction:

“Relation with Guru is a purely spiritual matter. Meeting Him was beautiful, but it carries no guarantee. Though my words may sound trite, I can only repeat, the true Guru, the eternal lover, the eternal guide, the eternal One—is within you. But He is a jealous lover, who will only embrace you if you truly care for Him.”

And when such people say, “But, Dada, that’s only philosophy-then I explain my experience. I offer my Baba story. Though it is a story which is far from finished.

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