Hatha Yoga

3 minutes • 537 words
If somebody is practising Pranayama to have control over 5 internal and 5 external va’yus, with no aim to have its impact on the mind and spirit, he/she achieves control over the respiratory organs and the limbs.
If he is pracising Kumbhaka Pranayama (Shunya or Purna) and is able to do this is Pranayama for a longer time, he can live beneath the earth for 10, 20 or 30 days or can live without food.
Under such circumstances, body is just like a dead body, since Prana‑Shakti has been suspended.
This is known as Jada‑Samadhi, and the Sadhana through which this control is attained is known as Hatha Yoga.
Hatha Yoga has no importance to a spiritual aspirant. This is because the period of Jada‑Samadhi is just like the period of death and is meaningless.
There are 2 ways of Pranayama:
- Hatha Pranayama – Without Cosmic Ideation
This is taught by Hatha Yoga
- Sabiija Pranayama – With Cosmic Ideation
What is Hatha Yoga?
“Ha” is the acoustic root of ethereal factor, the acoustic expression of sun and Akasha.
“T’ha” is the acoustic root of mind, the acoustic expression of both, mind and moon.
So Hatha Yoga means a process of controlling the physical energy by mental force.
- So it is also Hat’hena Su’rya Candrena
When “Ha” is being operated by T’ha forcibly, it is called Hat’ha Yoga.
His mental energies are utilized or channelized for having control over the physical forces. There is no thought of spirituality here.
This Avidya Sadhana ‑ Raksasii or Asurii Vidya. This is Hathena kurute Karma.
It does not help in spiritual elevation.
In the Shanti Parva of Mahabharata, Yudhisthira was asked about Pranayama. He answers that the spiritual aspirants should practise Sabiija Pranayama and not Hatha Pranayama.
When the control over breath in Hatha Yoga shall end, man will degenerate into animality.
The scope of Raja Yoga extends from physical to mental and from mental to qualified spiritual.
Rajadhiraja Yoga implies within it from physical to mental, mental to qualified spiritual and from the qualified spiritual to non‑qualified state i.e. Nirguna‑Sthiti.
Ananda Marga process of Sadhana is the Sadhana of Rajadhiraja Yoga.
Those who attain mental power only, may harm the world.
If an Avidya Tantrika uses Pranayama Sadhana and attains powers from it, he shall become a terror for the society.
It so happens because of some reasons. While practising Pranayama, the Va’yu gets concentrated at a particular place in Kumbhaka and mental stamina also gets concentrated at that place, while releasing the breath or Va’yu, ectoplasmic potentiality is also released simultaneously and it can directly affect the external physicality.
Harm can be easily done to the object ideated on, while releasing the Va’yu, for with the release of breath, the ectoplasmic cell is also released and it can affect the object directly.
Such a performance is done after Kumbhaka.
In Ananda Marga Sadhana you associate Pranayama with Cosmic Ideation and lead yourself towards spiritual elevation.
Kama, Artha, Dharma and Moksa are Caturvarga:
- Kama comprises physical ambitions.
- Artha comprises physical and psychic desires.
- Dharma comprises qualified spiritual.
- Moksa comprises non‑qualified spiritual.
Raja Yoga aims at the first 3 only, whereas Ananda Marga Sadhana, being Rajadhiraja Yoga, aims at all 4.