Superphysics Superphysics

Basic Differences In Attitude Between The East And The West

4 minutes  • 769 words
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Human society is one and indivisible. But there are still differences in the attitudes to life and the world between the East and the West.

Both have their distinctly different mentalities. The East is predominantly subjective in outlook, whereas the West has a mainly objective bent of mind.

The East

The East, throughout its development, has maintained a subjective approach, whereas western countries put great stress on objective development. Too much emphasis on either one of these approaches is not conducive to the all-round growth of the society.

We can build up an ideal society only on the basis of a happy adjustment between the subjective and the objective approaches. Here is the greatness of Ananda Marga ideology.

While the East is essentially spiritual in outlook, some philosophies have distorted spirituality to such an extent that they regard the world as an illusion. Some Indian Monists emphatically declare:

Brahma satyaḿ jaganmithyá.

“Brahma is the only reality; the expressed world is an illusion.”

It says that human life is like a drop of water on a lotus leaf. Therefore it is futile to try and develop the material world.

Such philosophies advise “atmanam viddhi” or “know thyself”.

All the religions of the East have clearly instructed their followers to try and accept the path of shreya or that which leads to supreme benevolence only, to the utter exclusion of preya or that which leads to the acquisition of mundane objects!

This sort of philosophy is not logically incorrect. But in practice, this type of extreme idealism preaches that the world should be ignored.

It can allow the individual human being to develop conscience, morality, renunciation, etc., and reach the height of spirituality.

  • But it will neglect the progress of society as a whole.

The maximum development of the society will be reached when there is balanced development in the physical, mental and spiritual spheres.

The Asian countries, in spite of their long heritage of morality and spirituality, have been subject to great humiliation during periods of foreign invasion.

While the higher knowledge of philosophy propagated by the oriental sages and saints has been accepted as a unique contribution to the store house of human culture and civilization, the people of these lands could not resist the foreign invaders.

The history of all the Asian countries, a region of so many religions, has been dominated by foreign powers for centuries together. This imbalance brought about their material deprivation and political subjugation.

The West

On the other hand, the West is completely obsessed with physical development.

It has made spectacular progress in the fields of politics, economics, science, warfare, etc. In fact, it has made so much material progress that it seems to be the sovereign master of the water, land and air.

But for all that, it is not socially content and miserably lacks spiritual wealth. Unlike the East, the plenty of wealth in the West has created a crisis.

Therefore, no country can progress harmoniously with only one-sided development.

Therefore, it behoves both the East and the West to accept a synthetic ideology that stands for a happy synthesis between the two. Here, the East can help the west spiritually, whereas the materialistic West can extend its material help to the East.

Both will be mutually benefited if they accept this golden policy of give and take, expressed in Bengali as, “Dive ar nive milave milive.”

In the educational system of the East, there is the predominant element of spirituality.

Oriental students used to go to their Guru’s house at the age of 5 and live there up to 25 years of age. They led a strictly ethical and spiritual life and were mainly taught paravidya or spiritual knowledge and some aparavidya or mundane knowledge.

Then next in their domestic life, they cultivated mundane knowledge and spiritual knowledge up to 50 years of age, and in the last quarter of their life they cultivated spiritual knowledge exclusively.

So the people of the orient could not but be spiritual in their thoughts and actions. Whereas there is, in the western system of education, a clear and unilateral emphasis on mundane knowledge. So to build up an ideal human society in the future, the balanced emphasis on the two is indispensable.

We should remember that morality, spirituality and humanity, and a happy blending of occidental extroversial science and oriental introversial philosophy is the very foundation of our system of education.

Rudyard Kipling rongly observed that “East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet”.

Ananda Marga believes in one universal society with one ideology and one cosmic goal.

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