Superphysics Superphysics
Chapter 1b


by Ranald
4 minutes  • 773 words
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The square, or realistic opposite of the conic.

Palm, fingers, have a squared-off, rectangular shape. To identify it, look for those indications especially for a straight line at the wrist and at the base of the fingers, with all the fingers attached at about the same level.

The square hand is the useful, practical, methodical hand. It usually indicates a planned life, and interests narrower than for the conic hand, but greater thoroughness and application directed in those interests.

Success almost always accompanies the square hand unless other indications deny its potentialities, but achievement is usually slow, through method and persistence, not through brilliance.

In dealing with others, squarehanded people are punctilious, slightly formal and exceedingly honest. In business, they are efficient. They have a knack of handling subordinates with impersonal fairness.

Their driving force is an even, constant pressure, moving them forward.

Depending on other signs in the hand, squarehanded people are capable of being either forceful executives or efficient subordinates.

But the lighter side is very much toned down in persons with realistic, square hands.

The arts are studied and indulged in only if they also serve a mundane purpose, like social advancement. Square-handed people are likely to be narrow-minded in matters outside their immediate interests.

They oppose social progress, scoff at radical scientific achievement, and pooh-pooh anything which smacks of mysticism.

At worst, they are dogmatic, assertive, unimaginative and domineering.

At best, they are efficient, self-confident, honest and logical.

Their affections rarely conflict with their worldly interests, though in family relations they are likely to be indulgent and ambitious.

They have great regard for custom and tradition, though they are not easily swayed by others.


A hand which promises an interesting and active life is the spatulate, or energetic. It has broad fingertips and fanlike palm, shaped like the spatula knife which chemists use for mixing.

Its palm may broader at either the wrist or at the base of the fingers.

The outstanding attributes of a spatulate hand are driving energy, restlessness, mental and physical daring. The owners of spatulate hands are always forceful personalities, sometimes eccentric, more often just highly individualistic.

They are neither credulous nor overly skeptical, approaching new ideas with enthusiasm, but applying sound reasoning.

Persons with spatulate hands tend to accept others for what they are. They have no desire to reform or to possess their friends.

Consequently, their attachments may be strong, although on the surface they appear casual. This is not fickleness in the usual sense where like turns to dislike, love to malicious backbiting, as is sometimes true of those who have conic hands.

On the contrary, the spatulate-handed are extremely loyal in friendship and cameraderie, less so in love but shared experiences are the basis for their friendships, and parting leaves fondness without sense of loss.

The spatulate hand looks for conflict and difficulties to surmount.

When it shows no humanity, its owner is likely to be tyrannical.

Mussolini has such a hand, and Genghis Khan undoubtedly had.

Where mental qualities are most highly developed, the spatulate hand is that of the most daring scientists, men whose quest for adventure takes them into uncharted realms of knowledge.

Where physical qualities predominate, you will find it to be that of the soldier of fortune, the explorer, the adventurer.

The balanced spatulate hand is usually found in great engineers, inventors and builders.

Empire makers and destroyers have spatulate hands.


The knotty or profound hand is a philosophic hand, is one which goes with deep thought. You can recognize the type by its bony structure. The joints large, the back of the hand ridged, the general outline irregular. Its fingertips are usually pointed or rounded.

Logic in its narrow sense is the outstanding trait of the knotty hand.

It is the logic of abstract thought, which builds hypotheses without regard for reality, rather than the logic of practicality.

The knotty-handed person delights in the intricacies of higher mathematics or metaphysical discussion. Material wellbeing is of no consequence to the owner of this philosophic hand.

He is contemptuous of worldly success and is frequently almost foolhardy in generosity with his possessions.

Yet he can be miserly, though unconsciously so, with himself, shutting himself into a world of his own and refusing even to recognize the travail and suffering of his neighbors.

He is tolerant of all shades of opinion.

When aroused, however, the person with the profound type of a fearless advocate of the rights of others. His sense of justice, his love of freedom, his contempt for meanness and cowardice place him among the bravest fighters for human rights.

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