Superphysics Superphysics

Basic Beliefs of the Essassani

by Consolidated from Bashar
5 minutes  • 970 words
Table of contents

The Essassani are a 5th dimensional civilization in a parallel reality in the Shah star system near the Orion’s belt.

They are a hybrid of human and Gray DNA created by the Grays (future humans). This means they are even closer to humans than the Grays. This is proven by them being able to procreate whereas the Grays could not.

They are based on unconditional love, ecstasy, fun, following your excitement, being totally non-judgmental, and giving validity and equality to the uniqueness of each individual in their society*.

Superphysics Note

Superphysics is based on David Hume’s maxim that mentality creates reality. This is how the Essassani maxims, such as ‘believing is seeing’ caught our attention. (We primarily use Essassani information for ’technology-checking’ to see whether our hypothesis on Cartesian mechanics will match the technology of the Essassani)

However, no one seems to be keen enough to notice that their principles are designed for 5th dimensional beings and not 4th dimensional ones like humans.

Unlike the Essassani, we humans are still very much bound by the Negative force as Maya, just like cats and dogs are even more bound than us.

Even if you say that the Essassani are just mirroring our higher minds, the human species is still so low-minded as to vote for Trump and let Russia and Israel invade and kill Ukrainians and Gazans.

We can think of the Essassani as high end quad-core gaming laptops capable of playing exciting games like multiplayer Call of Duty and DOTA2, while humans are low end Pentium I capable of only single-player Wolfenstein 3D.

Humans who totally follow Essassani principles will likely find themselves disappointed when their excitement fails to procure them the reality that they desire, just as a Pentium I will not be able to play Call of Duty.

Instead, it would be better if humans generally observed their principles in order to maximize practical human excitement, as opposed to the out-of-this-world excitement.

It would be like upgrading a Pentium I to play a Wolfenstein 3D updgraded to be multiplayer. The critical ingredient that makes the Essassani principles fail in the human frame is the hardened ego that is in all humans.

Their solution to this are the mantras: ‘so what?’ and ’let it go’ and ‘relax your definitions’.

Humans can upgrade themselves to Essassani by evolving genetically with each generation while following such general principles.

Basic Beliefs

Every individual is a self-aware, self-reflective, free-will entity, a holographic representation of the Infinite Creation.

Every individual is always as powerful as they need to be to create whatever reality they desire, without having to hurt anyone else or them self, in order to get it.

All “things” are the same one thing vibrating at different rates

Just as water and steam and ice are all the same thing vibrating at different frequencies, likewise, matter and energy are the same substance vibrating at different frequencies.

Frequency Type Analogy
Highest Consciousness Steam
Medium Spirit Water
Lowest Matter Ice


All things are Spirit vibrating at different frequencies.

Matter is solidified energy.

  • Matter is spirit-energy vibrating at a slower frequency.

Your body is solidified, crystallized Spirit.

  • Your body is in your Spirit.

Your Spirit is not in your body. As you raise your vibrations, you become more Spirit-like, moving closer towards fluid-like Spirit. This makes your reality creation more malleable and easily changeable.

All “things” are the same one thing vibrating at different rates.

The 5 Laws of Existence

The 5 Basic Laws of Creation which are true Everywhere/Everywhen in the universe - including ALL dimensions.

  1. You exist
  2. Everything is Here/Now [Time and Space are illusions]
  3. The All is one, and the One is all. [everything is connected]
  4. What you put out is what you get back*
  5. The only constant in the universe is change - except for the first 4 postulates, which never change.
Superphysics Note
In Hinduism, this is karma.

The Essassani Formula

  1. Act on your HIGHEST Excitement, your Passion

This is whatever is most exciting to you at the moment, in the highest* sense. Do this every moment that you can.

Superphysics Note
Highest here means dharmic. Unfortunately, the channel Darryl does not know Sanskrit and so the best English word is ‘highest’. However, ‘highest’ does not automatically imply spirituality. This is the drawback of using that word.
  1. Do this to the best of your ability.

Take it as far as you can go until you can not take it any further. Make sure your beliefs are not causing you to dampen your excitement ahead of time.

  1. Absolutely have no insistence or assumption or expectation of what the outcome should be.

Very often the ideal outcome will not be what your lower mind expect or intend. Only your Higher Self knows the ideal outcome. If you expect, then you let the lower mind overrule the higher.

  1. Choose to remain in a positive state regardless of what happens.

Stay in a positive state, but take perceptions neutrally. If you remain in a positive state, you can discover HOW it can serve you in a beneficial manner.

Any circumstance is actually neutral, with no built-in meaning. You determine whether it has a positive or negative effect, based on the MEANING that you PROJECT into that fundamentally-neutral situation.

  1. Constantly investigate your belief systems.

Release & replace the unpreferred beliefs:

  • The fear-based beliefs you might have.
  • The beliefs that are not in alignement with who you prefer to be.

This activates synchronicity which is the organizing principle of the entire universe. Synchronicity is the “networking” and coordination of all parts of the universe with each other - through the one Universal Mind.

By activating this synchronicity, things in your life flow more naturally, pleasantly, and desirably for you automatically, in perfect timing.

Most Powerful Mantra

“I am who I am, and that is enough”

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