Superphysics Superphysics
Sura 105-109

The Elephant, Quraysh, Assistance, Plenty, Disbelievers

1 minutes  • 198 words
Table of contents

105. THE ELEPHANT (al-Fil)

1 Muhammad, have you not considered how your Lord dealt with the People of the Elephant?

2-5 He misguided them and sent against them swarms of birds, striking them with rocks of baked clay, turning them into like chewed-up leaves.

106. QURAISH (Quraysh)

1-4 For the security of Quraish during their winter and summer caravans, Let them worship the Lord of this House, Who has fed them, saving them from hunger and made them safe from fear.

107. ASSISTANCE (al-Ma’un)

1-3 The person who denies the Recompense:

  • drives away Mohammad and
  • does not encourage the feeding of the poor.

4-7 So woe to those who:

  • pray but are heedless of their prayer.
  • make a show of their deeds but withhold real assistance.

108. PLENTY (al-Kawthar)

1-3 We have granted you, O Muúammad, al-Kawthar. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice to Him alone. Your enemy is the one cut off.

109. THE DISBELIEVERS (al-Kafirun)

1-6 Say: “O disbelievers:

  • I do not worship what you worship.
  • You do not worship what I worship.
  • I will not worship what you worship.
  • You will not worship what I worship.
  • You have your way.
  • I have my way.”

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