The Five Planets

7 minutes • 1335 words
22 The 2 forces – warm and wet – have 3 varieties:
- Excess (Excesus)
- Adequate (Mediocritas)
- Insufficient (Defectus)
At first, there can be independent qualities – the warmth in E, in (M) or in (D) and the wet in E, in (M) or in (D).
This creates 6 varieties.
From the combination of both qualities, 9 varieties arise, as seen in the table. Thus, we have 15 varieties in total.
Which of those can we choose and which are to be refused?
23 First: an existence of solitary insufficiency or excess without compensation is not possible.
Hence, of the 6 independent qualities, 4 are eliminated.
What remains is the adequacy of warm force (we consider the adequacy in proportions of the world, not of quantity) which resides in solar body and uses merely its own light.
Then the adequacy of wet force, which resides in lunar body and uses merely the light borrowed from the Sun and stars.
24 Second: neither the accumulation of excess nor that of insufficiency can bring about a satisfactory development.
Such a development can occur, if we temper by mixture that (slightly different) excess and insufficiency of warmth and wet. Thus, no planet has an excess or insufficiency. Therefore, seven varieties remain, aside of combinations mentioned above.
Apart from that, two other couples drop out.
The proportion of excess of warmth to adequacy of wet is the same as the proportion of adequacy of warmth to insufficiency of wet, and the proportion of insufficiency of warmth to adequacy of wet is the same as the proportion of adequacy of warmth to the excess of wet – this can be shown by parallel lines in the table.
The same is valid regarding the connection between excess or insufficiency.
Therefore we have 5 correct variations. Three simple and two double, as already has been explained, or – more likely – two names and one variation with three names.
This is why there are 3 outer planets and 2 inner ones*.
Superphysics Note
Nothing can be more apt than matching those combinations one to another, which I would like to present by means of the following table.
25 The statement above shows that 5 planets not only use the borrowed sunlight, but also add something from themselves.
If many of our physical bodies on Earth have its own natural light, what impedes to other celestial bodies besides the Sun to have the same light?
Should the planets lack their own light, it seems that they could change their face in the same way as the Moon does. It is highly probable that the shine and sparking are the proof of their own light, while if místy and bland, the light is somebody else´s (reflected).
26 We can also think about what enables us to distinguish that forces of the planets – the excess, adequacy or insufficiency.
Should we consider the borrowed reflected light, we have to take into consideration various ways of reflection, which are conditioned by various surfaces.
I do not want to speak of special reflections, which come from the surface of the mirror and which are reflected from any point to any different point.
I speak of such a reflection which we can see upon a wall with more or less uneven or rough surface, which adds colour of its own to the light it reflects back to any point of the hemisphere. Reflected light of the Moon comes to us through the second, not through the first way.
The crescent of the Moon, which changes as days pass by, is only a part of always round reflection of the Sun.
Therefore it may be the geometrical layout of the surface of the Moon which produces the spots which we see upon the Moon´s surface.
27 Those or that reflections have the colour of the reflected surface.
I would like to hear from the chemists, what causes different colours of earthly bodies. We divide the colours of the rainbow to two classes – the first one gives rise to the colour from darkening or lack of own light, the second one from refraction of the light and its effect.
The principle of both is the light itself or the white colour of light, analogously related to the centre of rainbow, which we divide in two parts.
From one side, the light is reduced, from the other side the light is refracted, on both sides it turns to black or fades in darkness. First in this sorting (from that side where the light is „reduced“) there is gold yellow, second the red, then the dark, and finally, black.
The same appears in the clouds during sunrise or sunset, the same is valid for the stars, which are near to the horizon, the same occurs during the eclipses of the Sun, when our eyes which see this illusion are suddenly freed of sunlight.
As the first from the side of reflected light, we see the green, then blue, violet and at the end the black or dark.
As this is the layout of the colours of the rainbow, it is probable that the same is valid for the reflection. White surface reflects the rays in the best way, then the green surface follows, then gold yellow, then the sky-blue and red, then purple and dark grey; and the black surface gives minimum reflects.
28 Black surface, when strongly illuminated, diffuses the red ray.
This can be seen on steel mirror – when the white colour of the face and black colour of the mirror blends, it causes that the face seems slightly red.
We can conclude from this that the surface of Mars is black, because it shines red. Thus, its reflected light is weak, and therefore it has an insufficiency of wet.
On the same assumption of colour and wet we could conclude that the surface of Saturn is white and uneven, because it has a colour of lead, and that the surface of Jupiter is red or purple, as it occurs as gold yellow to red, the surface of Venus should be gold yellow or white and homogeneous, because it is the brightest one.
Mercury should be dark sky-blue or green, as it is coloured silver, and it is brighter rather for its sparking and dim shine then for its colour.
29 The light as such also differs according to the surface of the body from which it comes, and as it was shown, according to this or that colour.
But the quantity of heat comes from inner disposition of the body.
But even when the surface itself indicates the disposition of the body, the wet to some extent depends on quantity of warmth.
If the colour can be transformed and spread from one body to another by means of effect of light, it is probable that other qualities can be transmitted as well; the warmth is transmitted this way for sure.
It shows to be correct that the nature of the body of each planet will be alike to the strenghth of the effect of this planet.
This can lead to awesome theories.
It means it is unhealthy to stay in summer in front of the wall illuminated by the sun, because:
- the plaster contains calcite whích corrodes and binds
- the rays which the wall reflects then act in the same way.
It seems that some kind of shine comes from the light itself.
If the thing has its own light, surely it does not stick on the surface, but it has its roots in the deep, as we see on jewels.
Therefore, if the thing is transparent, it has to be shiny.
Actually, many things shine thanks to their own warmth, which is embodied in their disposition.