Karmasanyasayog: Renouncing The Fruit of Works

2 minutes • 362 words
Slayer of Madhu! yet again, this Yog, This Peace, derived from equanimity, Made known by thee–I see no fixity Therein, no rest, because the heart of men Is unfixed, Krishna! rash, tumultuous, Wilful and strong.
It were all one, I think, To hold the wayward wind, as tame man’s heart.
Man’s heart is wavering and hard to restrain.
Yet may it grow restrained by habit, wont of self-command.
This Yog, Comes not lightly to th’ ungoverned ones;
But he who will be master of himself Shall win it, if he stoutly strive thereto.
What path goeth he who, having faith, Fails, Krishna! in the striving; falling back From holiness, missing the perfect rule? Is he not lost, straying from Brahma’s light, Like the vain cloud, which floats ’twixt earth and heaven When lightning splits it, and it vanisheth?
Fain would I hear thee answer me herein, Since, Krishna! none save thou can clear the doubt.
He is not lost.
Nor earth, nor heaven is forfeit, even for him, Because no heart that holds one right desire Treadeth the road of loss! He who should fail, Desiring righteousness, cometh at death Unto the Region of the Just; dwells there Measureless years, and being born anew, Beginneth life again in some fair home Amid the mild and happy.
It may chance he descend into a Yogin house on Virtue’s breast; but that is rare! Such birth Is hard to be obtained on this earth, Chief!
So hath he back again what heights of heart He did achieve, and so he strives anew To perfectness, with better hope, dear Prince! For by the old desire he is drawn on Unwittingly; and only to desire The purity of Yog is to pass Beyond the Sabdabrahm, the spoken Ved. But, being Yogi, striving strong and long, Purged from transgressions, perfected by births Following on births, he plants his feet at last Upon the farther path. Such as one ranks Above ascetics, higher than the wise, Beyond achievers of vast deeds! Be thou Yogi Arjuna! And of such believe, Truest and best is he who worships Me With inmost soul, stayed on My Mystery!