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Chapter 10 of the Vietnamese Constitution Simplified

The National Council Of Election And The State Audit

2 minutes  • 411 words
Table of contents

Article 117

The National Council of Election is:

  • an organ created the National Assembly
  • organizes the election of the National Assembl
  • directs the work of election of the People’s Councils at all levels.
  • comprises a President, vice-Presidents, and members

The details of organization, duties and authorities of the National Council of Election, and the number of its members shall be provided by the law.

Article 118

  1. The State Audit is an organ created by the National Assembly, shall act independently and only obey the law. It exercises the audit of the management and use of public finance and property.
  2. The Head of the State Audit presides the State Audit, elected by the National Assembly. The term of Head of the State Audit shall be provided by the law. The Head of the State Audit is responsible and makes his reports of the result of audit to the National Assembly and, when the latter is not in session, to its Standing Committee.
  3. The details of the organization, duties, and authorities of the State Audit shall be provided by the law.

Chapter 11. Amendment Of The Constitution

Article 119

  1. The Constitution is the fundamental law of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and has the highest legal effect. All other legal documents must conform to the Constitution. All actions violating the Constitution shall be dealt with.
  2. The National Assembly, its organs, The State President, the Government, the People’s Courts, the People’s Procuracies, other state organs, and the entire people are responsible to protect the Constitution. The mechanism of constitutional protection shall be provided by the law.

Article 120

  1. The State President, the National Assembly’s Standing Committee, or at least 2/3 of entire Assembly deputies have the right to propose the making of the constitution and amendment of the Constitution.

The National Assembly shall decide on the making of constitution and amendment of the Constitution upon the approval of two-third of entire Assembly deputies. 2. The National Assembly shall create the Committee of Constitutional Drafting. The components, the number of members, duties, and authorities of the Committee of Constitutional Drafting shall be decided by the National Assembly according to the proposal of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee. 3. The Committee of Constitutional Drafting drafts, organizes the collection of people’s opinion, and submits to the National Assembly the draft constitution. 4. Constitution shall be enacted with the approval of two-third of entire Assembly deputies. The referendum on the Constitution shall be decided by The National Assembly.

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