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Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act

82 minutes  • 17393 words

Article 1. The President of the Republic, the President of the Supreme Federal Court and the members of the National Congress shall take an oath to maintain, defend and comply with the Constitution, upon and on the date of the promulgation thereof.

Article 2. On September 7, 1993, the voters shall define, through a plebiscite, the form (republic or constitutional monarchy) and system of government (parliamentary or presidential) to be in force in Brazil.

Paragraph 1. The free diffusion of these forms and systems through public utility mass communication vehicles shall be free of charge.

Paragraph 2. The Superior Electoral Court shall, upon promulgation of the Constitution, issue the regulatory rules for this article.

Article 3. The revision of the Constitution shall be effected after five years as of its promulgation, by the vote of the absolute majority of the members of the National Congress in a unicameral session.

Article 4. The term of office of the incumbent President of the Republic shall end on March 15, 1990. Paragraph 1. The first election for President of the Republic after promulgation of the Constitution shall be held on November 15, 1989, and the provisions of article 16 of the Constitution shall not apply thereto.

Paragraph 2. The irreducibility of the present representation of the states and the Federal District in the Chamber of Deputies is ensured.

Paragraph 3. The terms of office of the Governors and of the Vice-Governors elected on November 15, 1986 shall end on March 15, 1991.

Paragraph 4. The terms of office of the present Mayors, Vice-Mayors and City Councilmen shall end on January 1, 1989, with the inauguration of those elected. Article 5. The provisions of article 16 and the rules of article 77 of the Constitution do not apply to the elections scheduled for November 15, 1988. Paragraph 1. For the elections of November 15, 1988, an electoral domicile in the electoral district of at least four months prior to the election shall be required, and the candidates who fulfill this requirement and satisfy the other legal requisites may register with the Electoral Courts after the Constitution is promulgated. Paragraph 2. In the absence of a specific legal rule, it shall be incumbent upon the Superior Electoral Court to issue the rules required to hold the 1988 elections, with due regard for the laws in force.

163Paragraph 3. Present Federal Congressmen and State Representatives elected for the office of Vice-Mayor, if called to exercise the office of Mayor, shall not lose their parliamentary office. Paragraph 4. The number of Councilmen per municipality shall be determined, for the representation to be elected in 1988, by the respective Regional Electoral Court, with due regard for the limits established in article 29, IV, of the Constitution. Paragraph 5. For the elections to be held on November 15, 1988, except for those who already hold an elective office, the spouse and relatives by blood or marriage up to the second degree or relatives by adoption of the President of the Republic, of a State Governor, or the Governor of the Federal District and of a Mayor who have served more than half of their term of office, are ineligible for any office within the jurisdiction of the office holder. Article 6. Federal Congressmen may, during the six months following the promulgation of the Constitution, and forming a group of at least thirty, request from the Superior Electoral Court the registration of a new political party, the petition to be accompanied by the respective manifest, the by-laws and the programme duly signed by the petitioners. Paragraph 1. The provisional registration, which shall be promptly granted by the Superior Electoral Court, according to this article, grants to the new party all rights, duties and prerogatives of the existing parties, among which the right to take part, under its own name, in the elections to be held during the twelve months following its formation. Paragraph 2. The new party shall automatically lose its provisional registration if, within twenty-four months of its formation, it fails to obtain the final registration at the Superior Electoral Court, as established by law.

Article 7.

Brazil shall strive for the creation of an international court of human rights.

Article 8. Amnesty is granted to those who, during the period from September 18, 1946, to the date the Constitution is promulgated, have been affected, exclusively for political reasons, by institutional or supplementary acts of exception, to those encompassed in Legislative Decree no. 18, of December 15, 1961, and to those affected by Decree-Law no. 846, of September 12, 1969, ensuring the promotions, in their inactivity, to the office, position or rank to which they would be entitled if they were in active service, with due regard for the periods of continuous activity set forth in laws and regulations in force, respecting the characteristics and peculiarities of the careers of civil and military public servants and complying with the respective legal regimes.

Paragraph 1. The provisions of this article shall only generate financial effects as from the promulgation of the Constitution, any kind of retroactive compensation being forbidden.

Paragraph 2. The benefits established in this article are ensured to workers of the private sector, union officers and representatives who, for exclusively political reasons, have been punished, dismissed or compelled to leave the remunerated activities they had been performing, as well as to those who have been prevented from performing their professional activities by virtue of ostensive pressures or secret official procedures.

Paragraph 3. Reparation of economic nature shall be granted, as set forth by a law to be proposed by the National Congress and to become effective within twelve months counted from the promulgation of the Constitution, to citizens who were prevented from performing, as civilians, a specific professional activity by virtue of Reserved Ordinances of the Ministry of the Air Force

Paragraph 4. To those who, by virtue of institutional acts, have gratuitously exercised elective offices of city councilmen, the respective periods shall be computed for purposes of social security and retirement from civil service.

Paragraph 5. The amnesty granted under this article applies to civil servants and to employees at all levels of government or at its foundations, state-owned companies or mixed-capital companies under state control, except in the military Ministries, who have been punished or dismissed from professional activities interrupted by decision of their employees, as well as by virtue of Decree-Law no. 1,632, of August 4, 1978, or for exclusively political reasons, the readmission of those affected as from 1979 being ensured, with due regard for the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 9. Those who, for exclusively political reasons, were disfranchised or had their political rights suspended during the period from July 15 to December 31, 1969, by an act of the then President of the Republic, may request the Supreme Federal Court to acknowledge the rights and advantages interrupted by the punitive acts, provided that they prove that such acts were marked by gross flaws. The Supreme Federal Court shall pronounce its decision within one hundred and twenty days as from the request of the interested party.

Article 10. Until the supplementary law referred to in article 7, I, of the Constitution is promulgated:

  1. the protection referred to therein is limited to the increase, to four times, of the percentage set forth in article 6, head paragraph and paragraph 1, of the Law no. 5,107 6 of September 13, 1966;
  2. arbitrary dismissal or dismissal without just cause is prohibited: a) of an employee elected to an executive office of internal accident prevention committees, from the date of the registration of his candidacy to one year after the end of his term of office; b) of a pregnant employee, from the date the pregnancy is confirmed to five months after delivery. Paragraph 1. Until such time as the law shall regulate the provisions of article 7, XIX, of the Constitution, the period of paternity leave referred to in the item is of five days. 6 Revoked by Act no. 7,839/89, which was in turn revoked by Act no. 8,036/1990. General Constitutional Provisions 165Paragraph 2. Until further legal provisions are established, the contributions to fund the activities of rural unions shall be collected together with the rural property tax, by the same collecting agency. Paragraph 3. Upon the first proof of fulfillment of labour obligations by rural employers, as established by article 233 7 , after the promulgation of the Constitution, the conformity of the contract to the law and of the correction of the labour obligations over the entire period shall be certified before the Labour Courts. Article 11. Each Legislative Assembly endowed with constituent powers, shall draft the State Constitution within one year as from the promulgation of the Federal Constitution, with due regard for the principles of the latter. After the promulgation of the State Constitution, it shall be incumbent upon the City Council, within six months, to vote the respective Organic Law, in two rounds of discussion and voting, with due regard for the provisions of the Federal and state Constitutions. Article 12. Within ninety days of the promulgation of the Constitution, a Land Studies Committee shall be created, with ten members nominated by the National Congress and five members by the Executive Power, for the purpose of submitting studies concerning the national territory and draft bills regarding new territorial units, particularly in the Legal Amazonian Region and in areas pending solution. Paragraph 1. Within one year the Committee shall submit the results of its studies to the National Congress so that, in accordance with the Constitution, such studies may be examined during the twelve subsequent months, the committee being dissolved shortly thereafter.

Paragraph 2. The states and the municipalities shall, within three years of the promulgation of the Constitution, provide, by agreement or adjustment, for the demarcation of their borders presently in litigation, and they may for such purpose effect area alterations and compensations which allow for natural features, historical criteria, administrative ease and convenience of the bordering populations.

Paragraph 3. At the request of the interested states and municipalities, the Union may undertake the demarcation work.

Paragraph 4. If, three years after the promulgation of the Constitution, the demarcation work has not been completed, the Union shall determine the borders of the areas under litigation.

Paragraph 5. The present borders of the state of Acre with the states of Amazonas and Rondonia are hereby recognized and ratified according to cartographic and geodesic surveys conducted by the Tripartite Committee formed by representatives of the states and of the specialized technical services of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.

Article 13. The state of Tocantins is created by separation of the area described in this article and its installation shall occur on the forty-sixth day after the election provided for in paragraph 3, but not before January 1, 1989.

Paragraph 1. The state of Tocantins is part of the Northern Region and borders with the state of Goiás along the northern boundaries of the municipalities of São Miguel do Araguaia, Porangatu, Formoso, Minaçu, Cavalcante, Monte Alegre de Goiás and Campos Belos, maintaining the present eastern, northern and western borders of Goiás with the states of Bahia, Piauí, Maranhão, Pará and Mato Grosso. Paragraph 2. The Executive Power shall designate one of the cities of the state as its provisional capital until such time as the final seat of government is approved by the Constituent Assembly. Paragraph 3. The Governor, the Vice-Governor, the Senators and the Federal and State Deputies shall be elected, in a single voting, within seventy-five days after the promulgation of the Constitution, but not before November 15, 1988, at the discretion of the Superior Electoral Court, with due regard, among others, for the following rules:

  1. the deadline for affiliation of the candidates to the parties shall end seventy- five days prior to the date of the elections;
  2. the dates for the regional party conventions for the purpose of deciding upon coalitions and choice of candidates, for the presentation of the application for registration of the candidates chosen and for the other legal procedures shall be determined by the Electoral Courts in a special schedule;
  3. the holders of state or municipal offices who have not left such offices on a definitive basis seventy-five days prior to the date of the elections provided for in this paragraph shall be ineligible;
  4. the present regional committees of the political parties of the state of Goiás are maintained, it being incumbent upon the national executive committees to appoint provisional committees for the state of Tocantins, in accordance with and for the purposes established by law. Paragraph 4. The terms of office of Governor, Vice-Governor and Federal and State Deputies elected in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall end concurrently with those of the other units of the Federation; the term of office of the least voted elected Senator shall end on the same occasion and the terms of office of the other two Senators shall end together with those of the Senators elected in 1986 in the other states. Paragraph 5. The State Constituent Assembly shall be installed on the forty-sixth day as from the election of its members, but not before January 1, 1989, under the chairmanship of the President of the Regional Electoral Court of the state of Goiás, and shall on the same date inaugurate the elected Governor and Vice-Governor. Paragraph 6. The legal rules regulating the division of the state of Mato Grosso shall apply, where appropriate, to the creation and installation of the state of Tocantins with due regard for the provisions of article 234 of the Constitution. Paragraph 7. The state of Goiás shall be released from debts and burdens resulting from undertakings within the territory of the new state, and the Union is authorized, at its discretion, to take over such debts. Article 14. The federal territories of Roraima and of Amapá are transformed into federated states, their present geographic borders being maintained. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 167Paragraph 1. The installation of the states shall occur upon the inauguration of the governors elected in 1990. Paragraph 2. The rules and criteria adopted for the creation of the state of Rondônia shall apply to the transformation and installation of the states of Roraima and Amapá, with due regard for the provisions of the Constitution and of this Act. Paragraph 3. The President of the Republic shall, within forty-five days of the promulgation of the Constitution, submit for examination by the Federal Senate the names of the governors of the states of Roraima and Amapá who shall exercise the Executive Power until the new states are installed with the inauguration of the elected governors. Paragraph 4. Until the transformation into states is effected according to this article, the federal territories of Roraima and Amapá shall enjoy the benefits of transfer of funds provided for in article 159, I, a, of the Constitution and article 34, paragraph 2, II, of this Act. Article 15. The Federal Territory of Fernando de Noronha is extinguished and its area reincorporated into the state of Pernambuco. Article 16. Until the provisions of article 32, paragraph 2, of the Constitution are implemented, it shall be incumbent upon the President of the Republic, with the approval of the Federal Senate, to appoint the Governor and Vice-Governor of the Federal District. Paragraph 1. The authority of the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District shall, until such time as it is installed, be exercised by the Federal Senate. Paragraph 2. The accounting, financial, budgetary, operational and property supervision of the Federal District shall, until such time as the Legislative Chamber is installed, be carried out by the Federal Senate, by means of external control, with the assistance of the Audit Court of the Federal District, with due regard for the provisions of article 72 of the Constitution. Paragraph 3. The assets of the Federal District shall include those which may be assigned to it by the Union as established by law. Article 17. Earnings, compensation, advantages and additional pay, as well as retirement pensions which are being received in disagreement with this Constitution, shall be reduced immediately to the limits arising therefrom, it not being allowed, in this case, to invoke a vested right or receipt of excess on any account. Paragraph 1. It is ensured the cumulative occupation of two medical offices or jobs that are held by a military physician in the direct or indirect government administration. Paragraph 2. The cumulative occupation of two offices or jobs reserved for health professionals is ensured if held in the direct or indirect government administration. Article 18. The legal effects of any legislative or administrative act drawn up as of the installation of the National Constituent Assembly, with the objective of granting tenure to a public servant admitted without a public entrance examination to the direct or indirect administration, including the foundations instituted and maintained by the Government, shall be extinguished. 168 Article 19. Civil public servants of the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities, of the direct administration, autonomous government entities and government foundations, who, on the date of promulgation of the Constitution, have been in office for at least five continuous years, and who have not been admitted as established in article 37 of the Constitution, are deemed to have tenure in the public service. Paragraph 1. The period of service of the civil servants referred to in this article shall be considered as a credential when they take a competitive examination for the purpose of acquiring tenure, as set forth by law. Paragraph 2. The provisions of this article do not apply to the holders of trust or commission functions and jobs nor to those who are legally subject to free discharge, whose period of service shall not be computed for the purposes of the head paragraph of this article, exception being made for public servants. Paragraph 3. The provisions of this article shall not apply to higher education professors as set forth by law. Article 20. Within one hundred and eighty days, the rights of inactive public servants and pensioners shall be revised and the income and pensions owed to them shall be updated in order to adjust them to the provisions of the Constitution. Article 21. Judges vested in office for a limited period of time, who have been admitted by means of a public entrance examination of tests and presentation of academic and professional credentials and who are in office on the date this Constitution is promulgated, shall achieve tenure with due regard for the probation period and they shall be included in a special job class to be terminated, maintaining the authority, prerogatives and restrictions of the laws to which they were subject, except for those inherent to the temporary nature of their investiture. The retirement of the judges referred to in this article shall be regulated by the rules established for other state judges. Article 22. Public defenders vested in office before the date of installation of the National Constituent Assembly are ensured the right to opt for the career, complying with the guarantees and prohibitions set forth in article 134, sole paragraph 8 , of the Constitution. Article 23. Until such time as the regulations of article 21, XVI, of the Constitution are issued, the present holders of the office of federal censor shall continue to exercise functions compatible with such office in the Federal Police Department, with due regard for the constitutional provisions. Such law shall provide for the reassignment of the Federal Censors as set forth in this article. Article 24. The Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities shall issue laws establishing criteria to make their staffs compatible with the provisions 8 Should read as “paragraph 1”, by virtue of the provisions of CA no. 45/2004. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 169of article 39 of the Constitution and with the administrative reorganization resulting therefrom, within eighteen months as from the promulgation of the Constitution. Article 25. As of one hundred and eighty days after the promulgation of the Constitution, such period being subject to extension by law, all legal provisions which confer on or delegate to an agency of the Executive Power authority assigned to the National Congress by the Constitution shall be revoked, especially those referring to:
  5. normative action;
  6. allocation or transfer of funds of any kind. Paragraph 1. The decree-laws pending before the National Congress and not examined by it before the Constitution is promulgated shall have their effects regulated as follows:
  7. if issued up to September 2, 1988, they shall be examined by the National Congress within one hundred and eighty days as from the date of the promulgation of the Constitution, not counting the parliamentary recess;
  8. if the time limit defined in the preceding item elapses without the decree- laws mentioned therein having been examined, they shall be considered rejected;
  9. in the cases defined in items I and II, the acts performed during the effectiveness of the respective decree-laws shall be fully valid and the National Congress may, if necessary, legislate on their remaining effects. Paragraph 2. The decree-laws issued between September 3, 1988 and the date of the promulgation of the Constitution shall be converted on such date into provisional measures, with the rules established in article 62, sole paragraph 9 , being applied thereto. Article 26. Within one year of promulgation of the Constitution, the National Congress shall effect, through a joint committee, an analytical and expert examination of the acts and facts which generate the Brazilian foreign indebtedness. Paragraph 1. The Committee shall have the legal authority of a parliamentary investigation committee for purposes of requisition and summons, and shall act with the assistance of the Federal Audit Court. Paragraph 2. If irregularities are found, the National Congress shall propose that the Executive Power declare the act null and void and shall forward the case to the Federal Public Prosecution, which shall take the appropriate action within sixty days. Article 27. The Superior Court of Justice shall be installed under the Presidency of the Supreme Federal Court. Paragraph 1. Until such time as the Superior Court of Justice is installed, the Supreme Federal Court shall perform the duties and responsibilities defined in the previous constitutional order. Paragraph 2. The initial composition of the Superior Court of Justice shall be obtained: 9 Should read as “paragraphs 3 and 7”, by virtue of the provisions of CA no. 32/2001. 170
  10. by reassignment of Justices of the Federal Court of Appeals;
  11. by appointment of the Justices required to complete the number established in the Constitution. Paragraph 3. For the purposes of the Constitution, the present Justices of the Federal Court of Appeals shall be considered as belonging to the class they came from at the time of their appointment. Paragraph 4. Once the Court has been installed, the retired Justices of the Federal Court of Appeals shall automatically become retired Justices of the Superior Court of Justice. Paragraph 5. The Justices referred to in paragraph 2, II, shall be nominated in a triple list by the Federal Court of Appeals, with due regard for the provisions of article 104, sole paragraph, of the Constitution. Paragraph 6. Five Federal Regional Courts of Justice are hereby created, to be installed within six months of the promulgation of the Constitution, with the jurisdiction and seat assigned to them by the Federal Court of Appeals, taking into account the number of lawsuits and their geographical location. Paragraph 7. Until such time as the Federal Regional Courts of Justice are installed, the Federal Court of Appeals shall exercise the authority attributed to them throughout the national territory, it being incumbent upon it their installation and nomination of candidates for all initial offices by means of a triple list which may include federal judges of any region, with due regard for the provisions of paragraph 9. Paragraph 8. As from promulgation of the Constitution, it is forbidden to fill vacant offices of Justices of the Federal Court of Appeals. Paragraph 9. If there is no federal judge with the minimum period of service set forth in article 107, II, of the Constitution, the promotion may be granted to a judge with less than five years of office. Paragraph 10. It is incumbent upon the Federal Courts to judge the lawsuits filed therein until such time as the Constitution is promulgated, and the Federal Regional Courts as well as the Superior Court of Justice shall judge the actions to overrule the final judgements rendered until then by the Federal Courts, including those which refer to matters for which competence has been transferred to another branch of the Judicial Power. Article 28. The federal judges referred to in article 123, paragraph 2, of the Constitution of 1967, with the wording given by the Constitutional Amendment no. 7 of 1977, shall be vested in office in courts of the judiciary section for which they were appointed or designated; if there are no vacancies, the existing courts shall be divided. For purposes of promotion for seniority, the period of service of such judges shall be computed as from the day of their taking of office. Article 29. Until such time as the supplementary laws relating to the Public Prosecution and to the Advocacy-General of the Union are approved, the Federal Public Prosecution, the Office of the Attorney-General of the National Treasury, the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 171Legal Consultancies of the Ministries, the Prosecution and Legal Departments of the federal autonomous government agencies having their own representation, and the members of the Prosecution Offices of public foundation universities shall continue to conduct their activities within their respective incumbencies. Paragraph 1. The President of the Republic shall, within one hundred and twenty days, submit to the National Congress a bill of supplementary law dealing with the organization and operation of the Advocacy-General of the Union. Paragraph 2. The present Prosecutors of the Republic may, in accordance with the supplementary law, opt irrevocably between the careers of the Federal Public Prosecution and of the Advocacy-General of the Union. Paragraph 3. A member of the Public Prosecution admitted prior to the promulgation of the Constitution may opt for the previous regime insofar as guarantees and advantages are concerned, with due regard, as to prohibitions, for the legal status on the date of such promulgation. Paragraph 4. The present members of the supplementary staff of the Labour and Military Public Prosecutions, who have acquired tenure in these functions, shall belong to the staff of the respective career. Paragraph 5. It is incumbent upon the present Office of the Attorney-General of the National Treasury, directly or by delegation, which may be made to the State Public Prosecution, to represent the Union in court in lawsuits of a fiscal nature, in their respective spheres of authority, until such time as the supplementary laws set forth in this article are promulgated. Article 30. The legislation which creates the justiceship of the peace shall maintain the present judges of the peace until the new judges take office, ensuring them the rights and duties conferred on the latter and shall establish the date for the election provided for in article 98, II, of this Constitution. Article 31. The clerical offices of the judicial courts, as defined in law, shall be brought under state control, with due regard for the rights of the present clerks. Article 32. The provisions of article 236 shall not apply to notary and registration services which have already been made official by the Government, with due regard for the rights of their servants. Article 33. With the exception of credits for alimony, the amount due by virtue of court orders for which payment is outstanding on the date of the promulgation of the Constitution, therein included remaining interests and adjustment for inflation, may be paid in legal tender, with readjustments, in equal and successive annual installments, within eight years at the most, counted from July 1, 1989, in accordance with a decision by the Executive Power within one hundred and eighty days of the promulgation of the Constitution. In order to comply with the provisions of this article, the debtor entities may issue, each year, for the exact amount of the expenditure, public debt bonds which shall not be computed for purposes of determining the total limit of indebtedness. 172 Article 34. The national tax system shall become effective on the first day of the fifth month following the promulgation of the Constitution, and until then, the system set forth in the 1967 Constitution, with the wording provided by Amendment number 1 of 1969 and by the subsequent ones, shall be maintained. Paragraph 1. With the promulgation of this Constitution, articles 148, 149, 150, 154, I, 156, III and 159, I, c, shall become effective, with all provisions to the contrary in the 1967 Constitution and in the amendments which modified it, especially its article 25, III, being revoked. Paragraph 2. The Participation Fund of the States and the Federal District, and the Revenue Sharing Fund of the Municipalities shall obey the following determinations:
  12. from the date of the promulgation of the Constitution, the percentages shall be, respectively, of eighteen percent and twenty percent, calculated on the proceeds from the collection of the taxes referred to in article 153, III and IV, the present apportionment criteria being maintained until the supplementary law referred to in article 161, II becomes effective;
  13. the percentage referring to the Participation Fund of the States and the Federal District shall be increased by one percent in the fiscal year of 1989 and, as from and including 1990, by one half of one percent per fiscal year until and including 1992, reaching in 1993 the percentage established in article 159, I, a;
  14. the percentage referring to the Participation Fund of the Municipalities, as from and including 1989 shall be increased by one half of one percent per fiscal year until it reaches the limit established in article 159, I, b. Paragraph 3. Upon the promulgation of this Constitution, the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities may issue the laws which are necessary for the application of the national tax system established therein. Paragraph 4. The laws issued in accordance with the preceding paragraph produce effects as from the date the national tax system set forth in the Constitution becomes effective. Paragraph 5. Once the new national tax system is in force, the application of the preceding legislation shall be ensured in that in which it is not incompatible with the new system and with the legislation referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4. Paragraph 6. Until December 31, 1989, the provisions of article 150, III, b, shall not apply to the taxes referred to in articles 155, I, a and b 10 , and 156, II and III, which may be collected thirty days after the publication of the law which has instituted or increased them. Paragraph 7. Until the maximum rates of the municipal tax on retail sales of liquid and gaseous fuels have been established in a supplementary law, such rates shall not exceed three percent. Paragraph 8. If, within sixty days counted from the promulgation of the Constitution, the supplementary law required for the institution of the tax referred to 10 These subitems were revoked by CA no. 3/1993. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 173in article 155, I, b 11 , has not been issued, the states and the Federal District, by means of an agreement concluded in the manner set forth in Supplementary Law number 24 of January 7, 1975, shall establish the rules to regulate the matter provisionally. Paragraph 9. Until a supplementary law provides for the matter, electric power distribution companies, in the capacity of taxpayers or of substitute taxpayers, shall be liable, when the product leaves their facilities, even if the destination is another unit of the federation, for the payment of the tax on the circulation of goods levied on electric power, from production or importation to the last operation, such tax being calculated on the price charged on the occasion of the final operation, its collection being ensured to the state or the Federal District, depending on the place where such operation occurs. Paragraph 10. Until the law provided by article 159, I, c, which shall be promulgated by December 31, 1989, becomes effective, the application of the funds set forth in that provision shall be ensured in the following manner:
  15. six-tenths of one percent in the Northern Region, through the Banco da Amazônia S.A.;
  16. one and eight-tenths percent in the Northeastern Region, through the Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A.;
  17. six-tenths of one percent in the Centre-West Region, through the Banco do Brasil S.A. Paragraph 11. The Centre-West Development Bank is hereby created, in the manner established by law, in order to comply, within that region, with the provisions of articles 159, I, c and 192, paragraph 2, of the Constitution. Paragraph 12. The urgency provided by article 148, II, shall not preclude the collection of the compulsory loan instituted for the benefit of the Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A. (Eletrobrás) by Law number 4,156 of November 28, 1962, with the subsequent amendments. Article 35. The provisions of article 165, paragraph 7, shall be complied with progressively, over a period of ten years, the funds being distributed among the macro-economic regions in proportion to their population, based on the situation verified for the 1986-87 period. Paragraph 1. In the application of the criteria referred to in this article, the total expenses shall exclude expenses for:
  18. projects considered as priorities in the pluriannual plan;
  19. national security and defense;
  20. maintenance of the federal agencies in the Federal District;
  21. the National Congress, the Federal Audit Court and the Judicial Power;
  22. the servicing of the debt of the direct and indirect administration of the Union, including foundations instituted and maintained by the Federal Government. 11 This subitem was revoked by CA no. 3/1993. 174 Paragraph 2. Until the supplementary law referred to in article 165, paragraph 9, I and II, comes into force, the following rules shall be complied with:
  23. the project of the pluriannual plan, to be in force until the end of the first fiscal year of the subsequent presidential term of office, shall be forwarded not less than four months before the end of the first fiscal year and returned for sanction before the end of the legislative session;
  24. the bill of budgetary directives shall be forwarded not less than eight and a half months before the end of the fiscal year and returned for sanction before the end of the first period of the legislative session;
  25. the budget bill of the Union shall be forwarded not less than four months before the end of the fiscal year, and returned for sanction before the end of the legislative session. Article 36. The funds existing on the day the Constitution is promulgated, except for those resulting from tax exemptions which become private property and those which are of interest to national defense, shall be extinguished if they are not ratified by the National Congress within two years. Article 37. Adaptation to the provisions of article 167, III, shall be made within the period of five years, the excess being reduced at a rate of at least one-fifth per year. Article 38. Until the promulgation of the supplementary law referred to in article 169, the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities shall not spend more than sixty-five percent of the amount of the respective current revenues on personnel. The Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities, whenever the respective expenditure with personnel exceeds the limit established in this article, shall return to such limit, reducing the excess percentage at a rate of one-fifth per year. Article 39. For purposes of compliance with the constitutional provisions which involve variations of expenses and revenues of the Union, after the promulgation of the Constitution, the Executive Power shall draw up and the Legislative Power shall examine a bill of review of the budgetary law referring to the fiscal year of 1989. The National Congress shall vote within twelve months the supplementary law provided by article 161, II. Article 40. The Free-Trade Zone of Manaus, with its characteristics of free-trade, export and import and fiscal benefits, shall be maintained for a period of twenty-five years as from the promulgation of the Constitution. The criteria which regulated or may come to regulate the approval of projects in the Free-Trade Zone of Manaus may only be modified by a federal law. Article 41. The Executive Powers of the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities shall reassess all sectorial tax incentives now in force and shall propose the appropriate measures to the respective Legislative Powers. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 175Paragraph 1. The incentives which are not confirmed by law within two years of the promulgation of the Constitution shall be considered revoked. Paragraph 2. Revocation shall not preclude any rights which have become vested before that date, in relation to incentives granted under conditions and for a set period of time. Paragraph 3. Incentives granted by means of agreements concluded between states, in accordance with article 23, paragraph 6 of the 1967 Constitution, with the wording of Amendment number 1, of October 17, 1969, shall also be reassessed and reconfirmed within the time limits set forth in this article. Article 42. Of the funds intended for irrigation, during a period of 25 (twenty-five) years, the Union shall apply: (CA No. 43, 2004)
  26. twenty percent in the Centre-West Region; region.
  27. fifty percent in the Northeastern Region, preferably in the semi-arid Article 43. On the date of the promulgation of the law regulating the prospecting and mining of mineral resources and beds of ore, or within one year counted from the date of the promulgation of the Constitution, the authorizations, grants and other deeds affording mining rights shall become ineffective, in case the prospecting or mining works have not provenly started in the legal time limits or are inactive. Article 44. The Brazilian companies which presently hold valid prospecting authorizations and permits for the mining of mineral resources and the exploitation of hydraulic energy shall have four years, counted from the date of the promulgation of the Constitution, to comply with the requirements of article 176, paragraph 1. Paragraph 1. Except for the provisions of national interest set forth in the constitutional text, Brazilian companies shall be exempt from compliance with the provisions of article 176, paragraph 1, provided that, within four years counted from the date of the promulgation of the Constitution they have destined the product of their mining and processing activities to industrialization within the national territory, in their own facilities or in a controlling or controlled industrial company. Paragraph 2. Brazilian companies which hold a hydraulic energy concession for use in their industrial processes shall also be exempted from compliance with the provisions of article 176, paragraph 1. Paragraph 3. The Brazilian companies referred to in paragraph 1 may only be granted prospecting authorizations or concessions to mine or exploit hydraulic energy potentials provided that the energy and the mining product are used in their respective industrial processes. Article 45. Refineries which operate in the country under article 43 and under the conditions of article 45 of Law number 2,004 of October 3, 1953 12 , are excluded from the monopoly established by article 177, II, of the Constitution. 12 Revoked by Act no. 9,478/1997. 176 Risk contracts entered into with Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobrás) for petroleum prospecting, which are effective on the date of the promulgation of the Constitution are exempted from the prohibition of article 177, paragraph 1. Article 46. Credits with institutions under intervention or extra-judicial liquidation, even when such proceedings are converted into bankruptcy, are subject to adjustment for inflation from the date of maturity to the date of actual payment, with no interruption or suspension. The provisions of this article shall also apply to:
  28. transactions made after the proceedings referred to in the head paragraph of this article have been decreed;
  29. loan, financing and refinancing transactions, transactions of financial assistance for liquidity purposes, assignment or subrogation of credits or mortgage bonds, guarantee of deposits made by the public, or of purchase of liabilities, including those carried out with funds intended for such purposes;
  30. credits existing prior to the promulgation of this Constitution;
  31. credits held by public administration entities before the promulgation of this Constitution and not settled by January 1, 1988. Article 47. In the settlement of debts, including their subsequent renegotiation and composition, even when taken to court, arising out of any loans granted by banks and by financial institutions, there shall be no adjustment for inflation, provided that the loan has been granted:
  32. to micro and small businessmen or to their businesses in the period from February 28, 1986, to February 28, 1987;
  33. to mini, small and medium rural producers in the period from February 28, 1986, to December 31, 1987, provided that it refers to rural credit. Paragraph 1. For the purposes of this article, micro-enterprises shall be considered as the legal entities and individual firms with annual income of up to ten thousand National Treasury Bonds, and small enterprises as the legal entities and individual firms with annual income of up to twenty-five thousand National Treasury Bonds. Paragraph 2. Classification as a mini, small or medium rural producer shall be made in accordance with the rural credit rules in force at the time of the contract. Paragraph 3. Exemption from adjustment for inflation referred to in this article shall only be granted in the following cases:
  34. if the initial debt, plus legal interests and judicial fees, are settled within ninety days of promulgation of this Constitution;
  35. if the application of the funds is not contrary to the purpose of the financing, the burden of proof lying with the creditor institution;
  36. if the creditor institution does not show that the borrower has the means to pay his debt, such means excluding the business of the borrower, the house where he lives, as well as his work and production instruments; Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act
  37. if the initial financing does not exceed the limit of five thousand National Treasury Bonds;
  38. if the beneficiary is not the owner of more than five rural modules. Paragraph 4. The benefits referred to in this article shall not be extended to the debts which have already been paid and to debtors who are members of the Constituent Assembly. Paragraph 5. In the event of transactions maturing after the deadline for settlement of the debt, should the borrower be interested, the banks and the financial institutions shall effect, by a specific instrument, an amendment to the original conditions of the contract so as to adjust them to this benefit. Paragraph 6. The granting of this benefit by private commercial banks shall not, under any circumstances, entail a burden to the Government, even if made by refinancing and on-lending of funds by the central bank. Paragraph 7. In the case of on-lending to official financial agents or credit cooperatives, the burden shall fall upon the original source of funds. Article 48. The National Congress, within one hundred and twenty days of the promulgation of this Constitution, shall draw up a consumer defense code. Article 49. The law shall provide for the institution of emphyteusis concerning urban real property, the tenants having the option, in the event of extinction, of redemption of the emphyteusis, by acquisition of direct title in accordance with the provisions contained in the respective contracts. Paragraph 1. In the absence of a contractual clause, the criteria and bases currently in force in the special legislation on real estate of the Union shall be adopted. Paragraph 2. The rights of present registered occupants shall be ensured by application of another kind of contract. Paragraph 3. Emphyteusis shall continue to be applied to tide lands and those lands added to them, which are located within the security strip extending from the coast line. Paragraph 4. After redemption of the emphyteusis, the former holder of direct title shall, within ninety days, subject to liability, entrust all documents related to such title to the custody of the competent real estate registry. Article 50. An agricultural law to be promulgated within one year shall provide, in accordance with this Constitution, for the objectives and instruments of agricultural policy, priorities, crop planning, marketing, internal supply, foreign market and institution of agrarian credit. Article 51. All donations, sales and concessions of public land with an area of more than three thousand hectares, made in the period from January 1, 1962, to December 31, 1987, shall be reviewed by the National Congress, by a joint committee, during the three years following the promulgation of the Constitution. Paragraph 1. Insofar as sales are concerned, the review shall be based exclusively on the criterion of lawfulness of the transaction. 178 Paragraph 2. In the case of concessions and donations, the review shall comply with the criteria of lawfulness and of convenience of public interest. Paragraph 3. In the cases set forth in the preceding paragraphs, if illegality is proven or if there is public interest, the lands shall revert to the ownership of the Union, of the states, of the Federal District or of the municipalities. Article 52. Until such time as the conditions referred to in article 192 are established, the following are forbidden: (CA No. 40, 2002)
  39. the installation, in the country, of new branches of financial institutions domiciled abroad;
  40. increase of percentual participation of individuals and legal entities resident or domiciled abroad in the capital of financial institutions with headquarters in Brazil. The prohibition referred to in this article does not apply to the authorizations resulting from international agreements, from reciprocity or from interest of the Brazilian Government. Article 53. Veterans who have actually participated in war operations during the Second World War, in accordance with Law number 5,315 of September 12, 1967, shall be ensured the following rights:
  41. admission to public service without being required to undergo a public entrance examination, with tenure;
  42. special pension corresponding to that of Second Lieutenant of the Armed Forces, which may be applied for at any time and may not be accumulated with any other earnings received from the public treasury, except for social security benefits, the right to opt being ensured;
  43. in case of death, proportional pension to the widow, companion or dependent, in an amount equal to that of the preceding item;
  44. free medical, hospital and educational assistance extending to dependents;
  45. retirement with full pay after twenty-five years of actual service, under any juridical system;
  46. priority in the acquisition of a home for those who do not own one or for their widows or companions. The concession of the special pension referred to in item II replaces, for all legal effects, any other pension already granted to the veteran. Article 54. Rubber-tappers recruited in accordance with Decree-Law number 5,813 of September 14, 1943, and protected by Decree-Law number 9,882 of September 16, 1946, shall receive, when needy, a monthly pension for life in the amount of two minimum wages. Paragraph 1. The benefit extends to rubber-tappers who, at the request of the Brazilian Government, contributed to the war effort by working in rubber production in the Amazonian Region during the Second World War. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 179Paragraph 2. The benefits established in this article may be transferred to dependents who are provenly needy. Paragraph 3. The concession of the benefit shall be done in accordance with the law to be proposed by the Executive Power within one hundred and fifty days of the promulgation of the Constitution. Article 55. Until such time as the law of budgetary directives is approved, at least thirty percent of the social welfare budget, excluding unemployment insurance, shall be allocated to the health sector. Article 56. Until such time as the law regulates article 195, I, the revenues resulting from at least five of the six tenths of one percent corresponding to the rate of the contribution referred to in Decree-Law number 1940 of May 25, 1982, as amended by Decree-Law number 2,049 of August 1, 1983, by Decree number 91,236 of May 8, 1985, and by Law number 7,611 of July 8, 1987, shall become part of the social welfare revenues, excepting, exclusively in the fiscal year of 1988, commitments assumed for ongoing programmes and projects. Article 57. The debts of the states and municipalities related to social security contributions up to June 30, 1988, shall be settled, with adjustment for inflation, in one hundred and twenty monthly installments, with the waiver of the interests and penalties applicable thereto, provided the debtors request installment payment and begin such payment within one hundred and eighty days of the promulgation of this Constitution. Paragraph 1. The amount to be paid in each of the first two years shall not be less than five percent of the total consolidated and updated debt, the balance to be divided into equal monthly installments. Paragraph 2. Settlement may include payments by assignment of assets and rendering of services, as set forth in Law number 7,578 of December 23, 1986. Paragraph 3. As guarantee for the payment of the installments, the states and municipalities shall each year consign in their respective budgets the appropriations required for the payment of their debts. Paragraph 4. If any of the conditions established for the concession of installment payment are not met, the debt shall be considered as due and payable in full and liable for default interest; in such case, the portion of the funds corresponding to the Participation Funds intended for the debtor states and municipalities shall be blocked and transferred to the social security for payment of their debts. Article 58. Benefits paid on a continuous basis and maintained by social security on the date of the promulgation of the Constitution shall have their values reviewed so as to re-establish their purchasing power expressed in terms of the numbers of minimum wages they represented on the date on which they were granted, such updating criterion to be adopted until the plan of funding and benefits referred to in the following article is implemented. The monthly benefit payments updated in accordance with this article shall be due and paid as from the seventh month after the promulgation of the Constitution. 180 Article 59. The bills of law for the organization of social welfare and for the plan of funding and benefits shall be submitted, not more than six months after the promulgation of the Constitution, to the National Congress, which shall have six months to examine them. Upon approval by the National Congress, the plans shall be implemented progressively in the following eighteen months. Article 60. In the 14 (fourteen) years following the promulgation of this Constitutional Amendment 13 , the States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities shall allocate a portion of the monies referred to in the head paragraph of article 212 of the Federal Constitution, to the maintenance and development of basic education and to the payment of appropriate salaries to education workers, with due regard for the following provisions: (CA No. 53, 2006)
  47. the distribution of monies and responsibilities among the Federal District, the States, and their Municipalities is assured through the establishment, within each State and the Federal District, of a Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and for the Appreciation of Education Professionals – FUNDEB, of a financial nature;
  48. the Funds referred to in item I of the head paragraph of this article shall be made up of 20% (twenty percent) of the resources referred to in items I, II, and III of article 155; item II of the head paragraph of article 157; items II, III, and IV of the head paragraph of article 158; and subitems a and b of item I, and item II of the head paragraph of article 159, of the Federal Constitution, and shall be distributed among each State and its municipalities, in proportion to the number of students in the various grades and modalities of on-site basic education, enrolled in the respective school systems, within the respective scope of priority action as established by paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 211 of the Federal Constitution;
  49. with due regard for the guarantees established in items I, II, III, and IV of the head paragraph of article 208 of the Federal Constitution, as well as for the basic education universalization goals established in the National Education Plan, the law shall provide for: a) the organization of the Funds, the proportional distribution of their resources, the differences and weightings regarding the annual value per student among the various grades and modalities of basic education and types of schools; b) the form of calculation of the minimum annual value per student; c) the maximum percentages for the allocation of fund resources to the various grades and modalities of basic education, with due regard for articles 208 and 214 of the Federal Constitution, as well as for the National Education Plan goals; d) oversight and control of the Funds; e) a deadline to stipulate, by means of a specific law, a nationwide professional minimum salary for public school teachers of basic education; 13 Should read as “Constitutional Amendment no. 53/2006”. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act
  50. the resources transferred to the Funds established under the terms of item I of the head paragraph of this article shall be applied by the States and Municipalities exclusively within the scope of their priority actions, as established by paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 211 of the Federal Constitution;
  51. the Federal Government shall supplement the resources of the Funds referred to in item II of the head paragraph of this article, whenever in the Federal District and in each State, the value per student does not reach the nationally set minimum value, stipulated in accordance with the provisions of item VII of the head paragraph of this article, and use of the resources referred to in paragraph 5 of article 212 of the Federal Constitution is forbidden;
  52. up to 10% (ten percent) of the resources supplemented by the Federal Government as set forth in item V of the head paragraph of this article may be distributed to the Funds by means of programs aimed at improving the quality of education, under the terms of the law referred to in item III of the head paragraph of this article;
  53. the minimum amount of resources supplemented by the Federal Government as set forth in item V of the head paragraph of this article shall be equal to: a) R$ 2,000,000,000.00 (two billion reais), in the first year the Funds are in force; b) R$ 3,000,000,000.00 (three billion reais), in the second year the Funds are in force; c) R$ 4,500,000,000.00 (four billion and five hundred million reais), in the third year the Funds are in force; d) 10% (ten percent) of the total amount of resources referred to in item II of the head paragraph of this article, as from the fourth year the Funds are in force;
  54. the resources earmarked for the maintenance and development of education as established in article 212 of the Federal Constitution may cover a maximum amount of 30% (thirty percent) of the resources supplemented by the Federal Government, taking into consideration, for the purposes of this item, the amounts set forth in item VII of the head paragraph of this article;
  55. the amounts referred to in subitems a, b, and c of item VII of the head paragraph of this article shall be adjusted every year as from the promulgation of this Constitutional Amendment 14 , so that the real value of the supplementation provided by the Federal Government is permanently preserved;
  56. the supplementation provided by the Federal Government shall comply with the provisions of article 160 of the Federal Constitution;
  57. the competent authority shall be held liable for crime of malversation in case of non-compliance with the provisions of items V and VII of the head paragraph of this article;
  58. a share of not less than 60% (sixty percent) of the resources of each Fund referred to in item I of the head paragraph of this article shall be used for the payment of basic education teachers who are actually teaching. 14 Should read as “Constitutional Amendment no. 53/2006”. 182 Paragraph 1. When financing basic education, the Federal Government, the States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities shall ensure that the quality of education will be improved, so as to guarantee a nationally set minimum standard. Paragraph 2. The value per elementary school student, within each State Fund and the Federal District Fund, may not be lower than the value prescribed by the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Elementary Education and for the Appreciation of the Teaching Profession – FUNDEF, in the year preceding the coming into force of this Constitutional Amendment 15 . Paragraph 3. The minimum annual value per elementary school student, within the Fund for the Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and for the Appreciation of Education Professionals – FUNDEB, may not be lower than the minimum value stipulated for the entire country in the year preceding the year in which this Constitutional Amendment 16 comes into force. Paragraph 4. For the purposes of distribution of the resources of the Funds referred to in item I of the head paragraph of this article, the total number of students enrolled in elementary education will be taken into account, and, as regards infant education, high school, and the education of young people and adults, 1/3 (one third) of the total number of students enrolled in the first year, 2/3 (two thirds) in the second year, and the total number as from the third year shall be taken into consideration. Paragraph 5. The percentage of resources to constitute the Funds, in accordance with item II of the head paragraph of this article, shall be gradually achieved over the first 3 (three) years the Funds are in force, as follows:
  59. as to the taxes and transfers mentioned in item II of the head paragraph of article 155; item IV of the head paragraph of article 158; and subitems a and b of item I and item II of the head paragraph of article 159 of the Federal Constitution: a) 16.66% (sixteen and sixty-six hundredths of one percent), in the first year; b) 18.33% (eighteen and thirty-three hundredths of one percent), in the second year; c) 20% (twenty percent), as from the third year;
  60. as to the taxes and transfers mentioned in items I and III of the head paragraph of article 155; item II of the head paragraph of article 157; and items II and III of the head paragraph of article 158 of the Federal Constitution: a) 6.66% (six and sixty-six hundredths of one percent), in the first year; b) 13.33% (thirteen and thirty-three hundredths of one percent), in the second year; c) 20% (twenty percent), as from the third year. Paragraph 6. (Revoked). Paragraph 7. (Revoked). 15 16 Should read as “Constitutional Amendment no. 53/2006”. Should read as “Constitutional Amendment no. 53/2006”. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 183Article 61. The educational entities referred to in article 213, as well as the educational and research foundations whose creation has been authorized by law, which meet the requirements of items I and II of such article and which have, in the last three years, received public funds, may continue to receive such funds, unless otherwise established by law. Article 62. The law shall create the National Rural Apprenticeship Service (SENAR), based on the legislation for the National Industrial Apprenticeship Service (SENAI), and the National Commercial Apprenticeship Service (SENAC), without prejudice to the incumbencies of the government agencies engaged in the area. Article 63. A Committee composed of nine members is hereby created, three of them from the Legislative Power, three from the Judicial Power and three from the Executive Power, to promote the commemorations of the centennial of the proclamation of the Republic and of the promulgation of the first republican Constitution of the country, and such committee may, at its discretion, be subdivided into as many subcommittees as may be necessary. In the carrying out of its duties the Committee shall conduct studies, debates and assessments of the political, social, economic and cultural development of the country, and may join efforts with state and municipal governments and with public and private institutions desiring to take part in the events. Article 64. The National Press and other printing departments of the Union, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities, of the direct or indirect administration, including foundations instituted and maintained by the Government, shall provide for a popular edition of the full text of the Constitution, which shall be made available free of charge, to schools and public registry offices, to unions, military barracks, churches and other community organizations, in order that each Brazilian citizen may receive from the State a copy of the Brazilian Constitution. Article 65. The Legislative Power shall, within twelve months, regulate the article 220, paragraph 4. Article 66. The public telecommunications utility concessions presently in force shall be maintained, as established by law. Article 67. The Union shall conclude the demarcation of the Indian lands within five years of the promulgation of the Constitution. Article 68. Final ownership shall be recognized for the remaining members of the ancient runaway slave communities who are occupying their lands and the State shall grant them the respective title deeds. Article 69. The states shall be allowed to maintain legal consultancy offices independent from their Attorney-General Offices or Advocacy-General Offices, provided that they have separate agencies for the respective functions on the date of the promulgation of this Constitution. 184 Article 70. The present competence of the state courts shall be maintained until it is defined in the State Constitution, as established in article 125, paragraph 1, of the Constitution. Article 71. The Emergency Social Fund is hereby instituted for the fiscal years of 1994 and 1995, as well as for the periods from January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997, and from July 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999, aiming at the financial recuperation of the Federal Public Finances and the economic stabilization, the resources of which shall be applied primarily to the actions of the health and education systems, including the supplementation of resources set forth in paragraph 3 of article 60 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, the welfare benefits and welfare assistance of a permanent nature, including the payment of welfare debts and budgetary expenditures associated to programs of great economic and social interest. (RCA No. 1, 1994; CA No. 10, 1996; CA No. 17, 1997) Paragraph 1. The provision of the final part of item II of paragraph 9 of article 165 of the Constitution shall not apply to the Fund established by this article. Paragraph 2. From the beginning of the 1996 fiscal year on, the Fund established by this article shall be called Fiscal Stabilization Fund. Paragraph 3. The Executive Power shall publish, on a bimonthly basis, a budget execution statement, which statement shall list the sources and applications of the Fund established by this article. Article 72. The Emergency Social Fund is comprised of: (RCA No. 1, 1994; CA No. 10, 1996; CA No. 17, 1997)
  61. the proceeds from the collection of the tax on income and earnings of any nature to be levied at source on payments of any nature effected by the Union, including its autonomous government agencies and foundations;
  62. the part of the proceeds from the collection of the tax on income and earnings of any nature, and of the tax on credit, foreign exchange and insurance transactions, or transactions relating to bonds and securities, resulting from the changes generated by Law 8,894 of June 21, 1994, and by Laws 8,849 and 8,848, both dated January 28, 1994 and further modifications;
  63. the part of the proceeds from the collection due to the increase of the rate of welfare contribution on the profit of taxpayers mentioned in paragraph 1 of article 22 of Law 8,212 of July 24, 1991, which, in the fiscal years of 1994 and 1995, as well as in the period from January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997, shall be of 30 percent, subject to modification by ordinary law, the other stipulations of Law 7,869 of December 15, 1988 remaining unchanged;
  64. twenty percent of the proceeds from the collection of all taxes and contributions to the Union, already instituted or to be instituted, except those provided by items I, II and III, with due regard to the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4;
  65. the part of the proceeds from the collection of the contribution mentioned in Supplementary Law no. 7, of September 7, 1970, owed by the juridical entities referred to in item III of this article, which will be calculated, in the fiscal years of Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 1851994 and 1995, as well as in the periods from January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997, and from July 1, 1997 through December 31, 1999, through the employment of a rate of seventy-five hundredths of one percent, subject to modification by subsequent ordinary law, on the gross operating income, as defined in the legislation of income tax and earnings of any nature;
  66. other incomes defined in specific legislation. Paragraph 1. The rates and calculation base defined in items III and V shall be applied as from the first day of the month following the ninetieth day after the promulgation of this Amendment 17 . Paragraph 2. The parts referred to in items I, II, III and V shall be previously deducted from the calculation base of any legal or constitutional designation or participation, and the provisions of articles 159, 212 and 239 of the Constitution shall not apply to them. Paragraph 3. The part referred to in item IV shall be previously deducted from the calculation base of any constitutional or legal designation or participation stipulated by articles 153, paragraph 5, 157, II, 212 and 239 of the Constitution. Paragraph 4. The provision of the former paragraph shall not apply to the resources provided by articles 158, II and 159 of the Constitution. Paragraph 5. The part of the resources originating from the tax on income and earnings of any nature, designated for the Emergency Social Fund, as provided by item II of this article, shall not exceed five and six-tenths of one percent of the total proceeds from its collection. Article 73. In the regulation of the Emergency Social Fund, the instrument provided by item V of article 59 of the Constitution may not be applied. (RCA No. 1, 1994) Article 74. The Union may establish provisional contribution on the movement or transmission of monies and of credits and rights of financial nature. (CA No. 12, 1996) Paragraph 1. The rate of the contribution mentioned in this article shall not exceed twenty-five hundredths of one percent, and the Executive Power may reduce it or reestablish it, in whole or in part, in the conditions and limits provided for by law. Paragraph 2. The provisions of articles 153, paragraph 5, and 154, I, of the Constitution shall not apply to the contribution mentioned in this article. Paragraph 3. The whole of the proceeds from the collection of the contribution mentioned in this article shall be allocated to the National Health Foundation for the financing of health actions and services. Paragraph 4. The liability for the contribution mentioned in this article shall be governed by the provisions of article 195, paragraph 6, of the Constitution, and it shall not be collected for longer than two years. Article 75. The collection of the provisional contribution on the movement or transmission of monies and of credits and rights of financial nature mentioned in article 74, established by Law no. 9,311, of October 24, 1996, is extended for thirty-six 17 Should read as “Revision Constitutional Amendment no. 1/1994”. 186 months, and the same extension applies to the effect of Law no. 9,539, of December 12, 1997, which modified Law no. 9,311. (CA No. 21, 1999) Paragraph 1. With due regard for paragraph 6 of article 195 of the Federal Constitution, the rate of the contribution shall be thirty-eight hundredths of one percent, in the first twelve months, and thirty hundredths in the subsequent months, and the Executive Power may reduce it, in whole or in part, in the limits hereby stipulated. Paragraph 2. The proceeds from increased collection of the contribution, resulting from the alteration of the rate, during the financial years of 1999, 2000, and 2001, shall be allocated to the financing of social security. Paragraph 3. The Union is authorized to issue domestic public debt bonds, whose resources shall be allocated to the financing of health services and social security, in an amount equivalent to the proceeds of the collection of the contribution, estimated but not achieved in 1999. Article 76. Twenty percent of the proceeds from the collection by the Union of taxes, social contributions, and contributions for intervention in the economic domain, already instituted or that may be instituted by December 31, 2011, as well as their additional taxes and respective legal increases, shall not be earmarked to any agency, fund, or expense in the said period. (CA No. 27, 2000; CA No. 42, 2003; CA No. 56, 2007; CA No. 59, 2009) Paragraph 1. The provision of the head paragraph of this article shall not reduce the assessment basis of the transfers to the States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities under the terms of articles 153, paragraph 5; 157, item I; 158, items I and II; and 159, item I, letters a and b; and item II, of the Constitution, neither the assessment basis of the remittances mentioned in article 159, I, c, of the Constitution. Paragraph 2. The proceeds from the collection of the social contribution for education mentioned in article 212, paragraph 5, of the Constitution, shall be excepted from the provision of the head paragraph of this article. Paragraph 3. For purposes of calculating the funds for maintenance and development of education referred to in Article 212 of the Constitution, the percentage mentioned in the head paragraph of this article shall be 12.5% (twelve and five tenths percent) in fiscal year 2009, 5% (five percent) in fiscal year 2010, and zero in fiscal year 2011. Article 77. Until the financial year of 2004, the minimum amount of funds applied to health actions and public services shall be equivalent to: (CA No. 29, 2000)
  67. in the case of the Union: a) in the year 2000, the amount of checks issued to health actions and public services during the financial year of 1999, plus at least five percent; b) from the year 2001 through the year 2004, the amount expended in the previous year, restated according to the nominal changes of the Gross Domestic Product – GDP;
  68. in the case of the States and of the Federal District, twelve percent of the proceeds from the collection of the taxes referred to in article 155 and of the funds Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 187mentioned in articles 157 and 159, item I, subitem a, and item II, after deducting the portions transferred to the respective Municipalities;
  69. in the case of the Municipalities and of the Federal District, fifteen percent of the proceeds from the collection of the taxes mentioned in article 156 and of the funds mentioned in articles 158 and 159, item I, subitem b, and paragraph 3. Paragraph 1. The States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities which apply percentages lower than those stipulated in items II and III shall raise them gradually, until the financial year of 2004, the difference being reduced at the rate of at least one fifth per year, and the application shall consist of at least seven percent as of the year 2000. Paragraph 2. At least fifteen percent of the funds of the Union expended under the terms of this article shall be applied in the Municipalities, according to the populational criterion, to health actions and public services, in accordance with the law. Paragraph 3. The funds of the States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities assigned for health actions and public services, as well as those transferred by the Union for the same purpose, shall be applied by means of the Health Fund, to be monitored and supervised by the Health Board, without prejudice to the provisions of article 74 of the Federal Constitution. Paragraph 4. In the absence of the supplementary law referred to in article 198, paragraph 3, the provisions of this article shall apply to the Union, the States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities as of the financial year of 2005. Article 78. With the exception of credits defined by law as being of a small amount, credits for alimony, and credits stated in article 33 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act and their supplementations, as well as those credits whose respective funds have already been released or paid into court, the court order debts for which payment is outstanding on the date of promulgation of this Amendment 18 and those deriving from actions commenced before or on December 31, 1999, shall be settled according to their real value, in legal tender, including legal interests, in equal and successive annual installments, within ten years at the most, the assignment of credits being permitted. (CA No. 30, 2000) Paragraph 1. The division of installments is permitted, at the discretion of the creditor. Paragraph 2. In the event the annual installments referred to in the head paragraph of this article have not been paid before the end of the relevant fiscal year, they shall be deducted from the taxes owed to the debtor entity. Paragraph 3. The period of time referred to in the head paragraph of this article is reduced to two years, in the case of court order debts deriving from the expropriation of a creditor’s residential property, provided that such property is proven to be the creditor’s only residential property at the time of emission of a writ of ejectment. Paragraph 4. If the time limit has elapsed, or in the case of omission in the budget, or in the event the right of precedence is not respected, the President of the appropriate 18 Should read as “Constitutional Amendment no. 30/2000”. 188 Court shall, upon petition of a creditor, requisition or order the seizure of funds of the debtor entity, at an amount sufficient to pay the installment. Article 79. The Fund to Fight and Eradicate Poverty, hereby instituted within the sphere of the Federal Executive Branch, shall be in force through the year 2010 and shall be regulated by a supplementary law, aiming at enabling all Brazilians to have access to adequate subsistence levels, and its resources shall be applied to supplementary initiatives regarding nutrition, housing, education, health, a complementary family income, and other programs of relevant social interest oriented towards the improvement of the quality of life. (CA No. 31, 2000) The Fund set forth in this article shall have an Advisory and Monitoring Board that must include representatives of civil society, under the terms of the law. Article 80. The Fund to Fight and Eradicate Poverty is comprised of: (CA No. 31,
  1. the part of the proceeds from the collection corresponding to additional eight hundredths of one percent, applicable from June 18, 2000, through June 17, 2002, to the rate of the social contribution referred to in article 75 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act;
  2. the part of the proceeds from the collection corresponding to additional five percent on the rate of the federal VAT [IPI], or of the tax that may eventually replace it, levied on luxury goods and applicable while the Fund is in force;
  3. the proceeds from the collection of the tax referred to in article 153, item VII, of the Constitution;
  4. budgetary appropriations;
  5. donations, of any nature, by individuals or corporations established in Brazil or abroad;
  6. other revenues, to be defined by the legislation that regulates the Fund. Paragraph 1. The provisions of articles 159 and 167, item IV, of the Constitution, are not applicable to the resources that make up the Fund, neither is any disconnection of budgetary resources. Paragraph 2. The proceeds from the collection of the resources referred to in item I of this article, during the period from June 18, 2000 through the date the supplementary law mentioned in article 79 becomes effective, shall be remitted in full to the Fund, their real value being preserved, in federal government securities, progressively redeemable after June 18, 2002, under the terms of the law. Article 81. A Fund is hereby instituted, to be comprised of the resources received by the Federal Government as a result of divestiture of government-controlled corporations and public entreprises controlled either directly or indirectly by the Federal Government, when such operation involves the divestment of the respective controlling interest to an individual or entity not belonging to the government bodies, or of any remaining equity interest following such divestment, and the income thereof, Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 189generated as from June 18, 2002, shall be transferred to the Fund to Fight and Eradicate Poverty. (CA No. 31, 2000) Paragraph 1. In case the yearly amount of income to be transferred to the Fund to Fight and Eradicate Poverty, as set forth in this article, does not add up to the total of four billion reais, it shall be supplemented according to article 80, item IV, of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act. Paragraph 2. Without prejudice to the provision of paragraph 1, the Executive Branch may allocate other revenues deriving from the sale of Federal Government assets to the Fund mentioned in this article. Paragraph 3. The resources that make up the Fund referred to in the head paragraph of this article, the transfer of said resources to the Fund to Fight and Eradicate Poverty, and the other provisions concerning paragraph 1 of this article shall be regulated by law, and the provision of article 165, paragraph 9, item II of the Constitution shall not be applicable. Article 82. The States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities shall institute Funds to Fight Poverty, comprised of the resources referred to in this article and other resources that may eventually be allocated for this purpose, and the said Funds shall be managed by entities which include the participation of civil society. (CA No. 31, 2000; CA No. 42, 2003) Paragraph 1. With a view to financing the State Funds and the Federal District Fund, an additional tax of up to two percent may be created, to raise the rate of the State VAT [ICMS], due on luxury goods and services and observing the conditions defined in the supplementary law referred to in article 155, paragraph 2, XII, of the Constitution, and the provision of article 158, IV, of the Constitution shall not be applicable to such percentage. Paragraph 2. With a view to financing the Municipal Funds, an additional tax of up to half of one percent may be created, to raise the rate of the local service tax [ISS], or the rate of the tax that may eventually replace it, levied on luxury services. Article 83. A federal law shall define the luxury goods and services referred to in articles 80, item II, and 82, paragraph 2. (CA No. 42, 2003)

Article 84. The provisional contribution on the movement or transmission of monies and of credits and rights of a financial nature, set forth in articles 74, 75, and 80, I, of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, shall be collected through December 31, 2004. (CA No. 37, 2002; CA No. 42, 2003)

Paragraph 1. The effect of Law no. 9,311, of October 24, 1996, as well as of its alterations, is hereby extended through the date mentioned in the head paragraph of this article.

Paragraph 2. Of the proceeds from collection of the social contribution mentioned in this article, the portion corresponding to the following rates shall be allocated to the purposes herein stated:

  1. twenty hundredths percent to the National Health Fund, for the financing of health actions and services;
  2. ten hundredths percent to the financing of social security;
  3. eight hundredths percent to the Fund to Fight and Eradicate Poverty, set forth in articles 80 and 81 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act. to: Paragraph 3. The rate of the contribution mentioned in this article shall be equal
  4. thirty-eight hundredths percent in the financial years of 2002 and 2003

Article 85. The contribution mentioned in article 84 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act shall not be levied, as from the 30th day after the publication of this Constitutional Amendment, on entries concerning: (CA No. 37, 2002)

  1. current deposit accounts especially opened and exclusively used for transactions carried out by: a) clearinghouses and providers of clearing and settlement services referred to in article 2, sole paragraph, of Law no. 10,214, of March 27, 2001; b) securitization companies referred to in Law no. 9,514, of November 20, 1997; c) business corporations whose exclusive purpose is to purchase credits originating from transactions carried out in the financial market;

  2. current deposit accounts, when such entries are related to: a) stock purchase and sale transactions, effected within stock exchange trading floors or electronic systems, and in the organized over-the-counter market; b) contracts written on stocks or stock indices, in their various modes, negotiated in stock exchanges, commodities and futures exchanges;

  3. foreign investors’ accounts, regarding entries into and remittances from Brazil of funds employed exclusively in transactions and contracts referred to in item II of this article.

Paragraph 1. The Executive Branch shall regulate the provisions of this article within thirty days as of the date of publication of this Constitutional Amendment 19 . Paragraph 2. The provisions of item I of this article apply only to the transactions specified in an act issued by the Executive Branch, from among the transactions that constitute the purpose of said entities. Paragraph 3. The provisions of item II of this article apply only to transactions and contracts effected through financial institutions, securities brokerage houses, securities distribution companies, and commodities brokerage houses. Article 86. Debts that must be paid by the Federal, State, Federal District, or Municipal Tax Authorities by virtue of final and unappealable judicial decisions shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of article 100 of the Federal Constitution, the parceling rule established in the head paragraph of article 78 of this Temporary 19 Should read as “Constitutional Amendment no. 37/2002”. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 191Constitutional Provisions Act not being applicable, if such debts meet the following cumulative conditions: (CA No. 37, 2002)

  1. having been the subject of a court order;
  2. having been defined as small amount debts by the law referred to in paragraph 3 of article 100 of the Federal Constitution, or by article 87 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act;
  3. their payment being outstanding, in whole or in part, on the date of publication of this Constitutional Amendment 20 . Paragraph 1. The debts referred to in the head paragraph of this article, or their respective balances, shall be paid in chronological order of presentation of the respective court orders, with precedence over debts of a higher amount. Paragraph 2. If the debts referred to in the head paragraph of this article have not been subject to partial payment yet, under the terms of article 78 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, they may be paid in two annual installments, as the law provides. Paragraph 3. The payment of the alimony debts referred to in this article, with due respect for the chronological order of their presentation, shall take precedence over the payment of all other debts. Article 87. For purposes of the provisions set forth in paragraph 3 of article 100 of the Federal Constitution, and in article 78 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act, and until such time as the official publication of the respective defining acts by the units of the Federation is effected, the debts or bonds stated in court orders shall be considered as being of a small amount, with due regard for paragraph 4 of article 100 of the Federal Constitution, if their amount is equal to or lesser than: (CA No. 37, 2002)
  4. forty minimum monthly wages, in the case of debts owed by the Tax Authorities of the States and of the Federal District;
  5. thirty minimum monthly wages, in the case of debts owed by the Tax Authorities of the Municipalities. Should the amount under execution exceed the amount stipulated in this article, payment shall always be made by means of a court order, the execution creditor being entitled to waiving the credit of the excess amount, so that he may opt to receive the balance without the emission of a court order, in the manner set forth in paragraph 3 of article 100. Article 88. Until such time as a supplementary law regulates the provisions of items I and III of paragraph 3 of article 156 of the Federal Constitution, the tax referred to in item III of the head paragraph of said article shall: (CA No. 37, 2002)
  6. have a minimum rate of two percent, save for the services referred to in items 32, 33, and 34 of the List of Services appended to Decree-Law no. 406, of December 31, 1968; Should read as “Constitutional Amendment no. 37/2002”. 192
  7. not be subject to the granting of fiscal exemptions, incentives, and benefits, should the direct or indirect result of such granting be the reduction of the minimum rate stipulated in item I. Article 89. The members of the uniformed police force and local administration employees of the former Federal Territory of Rondônia, who, in accordance with official documents, were regularly exercising their functions and rendering services to such former Territory at the time it was transformed into a State, as well as the employees and uniformed police officers covered by the provisions of article 36 of Supplementary Law no. 41, December 22, 1981, and those who were legally included in the Rondônia State Government personnel up until March 15, 1987, that is, the date the first elected governor took office, shall be included, at their option, in a special job class to be eventually terminated within the federal government services, being ensured of their specific rights and advantages, whereas the payment, under any circumstances, of remuneration differences shall be forbidden. (CA No. 38, 2002; CA No. 60, 2009) Paragraph 1. The members of the uniformed police force shall continue rendering services to the State of Rondônia, in the quality of detailed personnel, subject to their respective uniformed police forces, with due regard for the compatibility between the duties of their function and their rank in the hierarchy. Paragraph 2. The employees referred to in the head paragraph shall continue rendering services to the State of Rondônia, in the quality of detailed personnel, up until they are placed in a federal government entity, associate government agency, or foundation. Article 90. The time limit set forth in the head paragraph of article 84 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act is hereby extended through December 31,
  8. (CA No. 42, 2003) Paragraph 1. The effect of Law no. 9,311, of October 24, 1996, as well as of its alterations, is hereby extended through the date mentioned in the head paragraph of this article. Paragraph 2. The rate of the contribution referred to in article 84 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act shall be equal to thirty-eight hundredths per cent through the date referred to in the head paragraph of this article. Article 91. The Union shall remit to the States and to the Federal District the amount defined by a supplementary law, in accordance with the criteria, time limits, and terms therein determined, taking into consideration exports of primary commodities and semi-manufactured products to other countries, the import-export ratio, credits deriving from purchases intended for the permanent assets, and the effective maintenance and utilization of the tax credits referred to in article 155, paragraph 2, X, a. (CA No. 42, 2003)

Paragraph 1. As to the amount of funds to be remitted to each State, seventy-five percent of such amount shall be assigned to the State itself, and twenty-five percent to its Municipalities, such percentage being distributed in accordance with the criteria referred to in article 158, sole paragraph, of the Constitution. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 193Paragraph 2. The remittance of funds set forth in this article shall prevail, as defined in a supplementary law, until such time as the proceeds from the collection of the tax referred to in article 155, II, are predominantly assigned, in a proportion not below eighty per cent, to the State where consumption of the products, goods, or services takes place. Paragraph 3. Until such time as the supplementary law referred to in the head paragraph is enacted, and so as to replace the system of remittance of funds set forth therein, there shall remain in force the system of remittance of funds set forth in article 31 and Schedule of Supplementary Law no. 87, of September 13, 1996, with the wording provided by Supplementary Law no. 115, of December 26, 2002. Paragraph 4. The States and the Federal District shall present to the Federal Government, under the terms of instructions issued by the Finance Ministry, information regarding the tax referred to in article 155, II, supplied by the taxpayers who carry out transactions involving goods to be shipped abroad or services to be delivered to foreign parties. Article 92. A period of ten years shall be added to the period of time set forth in article 40 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act. (CA No. 42, 2003) Article 93. The provisions of article 159, III, and paragraph 4 shall only come into force after the promulgation of the law referred to in said item III. (CA No. 42, 2003) Article 94. The special tax regimes for micro and small businesses which are specific of the Union, the States, the Federal District, and the Municipalities shall be discontinued as from the date the regime set forth in article 146, III, d, of the Constitution comes into force. (CA No. 42, 2003) Article 95. Persons born abroad between June 7, 1994, and the date of enactment of this Constitutional Amendment 21 , to a Brazilian father or a Brazilian mother, may be registered with a Brazilian diplomatic or consular authority, or with an official registry if they come to reside in the Federative Republic of Brazil. (CA No. 54, 2007) Article 96. Acts aimed at the establishment, fusion, merger, and dismemberment of municipalities, whose act of creation was published on or before December 31, 2006, are hereby confirmed, provided that the requirements set forth in the legislation of the respective state at the time of establishment of said municipalities have been fulfilled. (CA No. 57, 2008) Article 97. Up until the supplementary law referred to in Paragraph 15 of Article 100 of the Federal Constitution is enacted, the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities which, on the date of enactment of Constitutional Amendment no. 62, have not yet effected payment of past due court-ordered debts regarding their respective direct and indirect administration, including court orders issued during the period the special regime instituted by this article is in force, shall effect such payments in accordance with the rules set forth in this article, whereas the provisions of Article 100 of this 21 Should read as “Constitutional Amendment no. 54/2007”. 194 Federal Constitution shall not be applicable, save for its Paragraphs 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, and without prejudice to conciliation agreements already formalized by the date of publication of Constitutional Amendment no. 62. (CA No. 62, 2009) Paragraph 1. The States, the Federal District, and Municipalities subject to the special regime set forth in this article shall, by means of an Executive Power act, opt for either:

  1. depositing the amount referred to in Paragraph 2 of this article into a special account; or

  2. adopting the special regime for a period of up to 15 (fifteen) years, in which case the percentage to be deposited into the special account referred to in Paragraph 2 of this article shall be equivalent to the total yearly balance of court-ordered debts, increased by the official rate applied to savings accounts and by simple interest applied at the same percentage of interest applied to savings accounts for the purpose of compensation of delay in the payment – the employment of compensatory interest being excluded, reduced by any paid amount, and divided by the remaining number of years in the special regime of payment. Paragraph 2. In order to pay up both its past due and future accruing court-ordered debts through the special regime, the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities in debt shall effect a monthly deposit into a special account created for such purpose, of 1/12 (one twelfth) of the amount calculated as a percentage of the respective net current revenues, as computed in the second month preceding the month of payment, whereas such percentage, calculated at the time of opting for the special regime and kept unchanged through the end of the period referred to in Paragraph 14 of this article, shall be equal to:

  3. in the case of the States and of the Federal District: a) at least 1.5% (one whole and five tenths per cent), for the States of the North, Northeast, and Centre-West regions, in addition to the Federal District, or for those States where the backlog of court orders owed by their respective direct and indirect administration corresponds to up to 35% (thirty-five per cent) of the total net current revenues; b) at least 2% (two per cent), for the States of the South and Southeast Regions, where the backlog of court orders owed by their respective direct and indirect administration corresponds to over 35% (thirty-five per cent) of the net current revenues;

  4. in the case of Municipalities: a) at least 1% (one per cent), for Municipalities of the North, Northeast, and Centre-West regions, or for those Municipalities where the backlog of court orders owed by their respective direct and indirect administration corresponds to up to 35% (thirty-five per cent) of the net current revenues; b) at least 1.5% (one whole and five tenths per cent), for Municipalities of the South and Southeast Regions, where the backlog of court orders owed by their respective direct and indirect administration corresponds to over 35% (thirty-five per cent) of the net current revenues. Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 195Paragraph 3. For the purposes of this article, net current revenues mean the total sum of tax, industry, and agriculture revenues, property income, revenues from contributions and from services, current transfers, and other current revenues, including those deriving from Paragraph 1 of Article 20 of the Federal Constitution, such total sum being computed in the period including the reference month and the 11 (eleven) preceding months, excluding any double counting but at the same time deducting:

  5. in the case of the States, the portions remitted to the Municipalities as set forth by the Constitution;

  6. in the case of the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities, the contribution paid by respective employees to fund their own social security and social assistance system, as well as revenues deriving from the financial offsetting referred to in Paragraph 9 of Article 201 of the Federal Constitution. Paragraph 4. The special accounts referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be managed by the respective Court of Justice, for payment of judicial orders issued by courts. Paragraph 5. The funds deposited into the special accounts referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article may not be returned to the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities in debt. Paragraph 6. At least 50% (fifty per cent) of the funds referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article shall be used to pay court orders according to their chronological order of submission, with due regard for the priorities defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 100 – in the case of court orders of one same year, and in Paragraph 2 – in the case of court orders of all years. Paragraph 7. If it is not possible to ascertain the chronological priority between 2 (two) court orders, the court order stating the smallest amount shall be paid first. Paragraph 8. The employment of the remaining funds shall depend on option to be effected by the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities in debt, through an Executive Power act, in accordance with the following modes, which may be applied either separately or simultaneously:

  7. payment of court orders by means of auctions;

  8. payment in cash of court orders not paid up under the terms of Paragraph 6 and of Item I, in a single, increasing order of respective amounts;

  9. payment through direct agreement with creditors, under the terms of law specific to each federating unit in debt, which may provide for the establishment and mode of operation of conciliation panels. Paragraph 9. The following shall apply to the auctions referred to in Item I of Paragraph 8 of this article:

  10. auctions shall be carried out through an electronic system managed by an entity authorized by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) or by the Central Bank of Brazil;

  11. court orders – or a installment of a court order amount as designated by its holder – with respect to which no appeal or challenge of any nature whatsoever is pending within the Judicial Power shall be qualified to take part in an auction, whereas, at the initiative of the Executive Power, it will be permitted to offset court-order debt payments against clear legal debits, either registered or not under debts in execution and attributed to the original debtor by the Treasury in debt up to the date of issuance of respective court order, save for those whose enforceability has been stayed under the terms of the law, or which have already been subject to deduction under the terms of Paragraph 9 of Article 100 of the Federal Constitution;

  12. auctions will be effected through public offer to all creditors qualified by the respective federating unit in debt;

  13. any creditor who meets the requirements of Item II shall be considered automatically qualified;

  14. auctions shall be carried out as many times as necessary to meet the available amount;

  15. inclusion of an installment of the total amount in an auction will be effected at the discretion of respective creditor, at an abatement in the amount of the installment;

  16. auctions shall take the form of debt abatement, associated with the largest volume offered – either cumulated or not with the highest percentage of abatement, according to the highest percentage of abatement, in which case the maximum amount per creditor may be stipulated, or according to another criterion to be defined in a public call notice;

  17. the price formation mechanism shall be stated in the public call notices issued for each auction;

  18. the payment in part of a court order shall be ratified by the court which issued said court order. Paragraph 10. Should the funds referred to in Item II of Paragraph 1 and in Paragraphs 2 and 6 of this article not be made available in due time:

  19. there shall be effected attachment of the relevant amount in the accounts belonging to the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities in debt, by order of the Presiding Judge of the Court referred to in Paragraph 4, up to the limit of the amount not made available;

  20. there shall be established, as an alternative, by order of the Presiding Judge of the relevant Court, in favor of creditors of court orders, against the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities in debt, a clear legal right – self-enforceable and irrespective of regulation – to automatic offsetting against clear debits attributed to said creditors by such debtors, whereas, there being a balance in favor of a creditor, such amount shall automatically be deductible from the taxes owed to the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities in debt, up to the offsetting limits;

  21. the head of respective Executive Power shall be held liable under the terms of the legislation on fiscal responsibility and administrative dishonesty;

  22. for as long as non-compliance prevails, the federating unit in debt: a) shall not be allowed to raise loans at home or abroad; Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act 197b) shall not be entitled to receive voluntary transfers;

  23. the Federal Government shall not effect the remittances regarding the Revenue Sharing Fund of the States and the Federal District and the Revenue Sharing Fund of Municipalities, depositing them instead into the special accounts referred to in Paragraph 1 of this article, whereas the employment of such amounts must comply with Paragraph 5 of this article.

Paragraph 11. As regards a court order concerning several creditors in a joinder of parties, the court of origin of said court order may dismember the total amount per creditor, and each creditor may participate in an auction with the total amount such creditor is entitled to, the rule set forth in Paragraph 3 of Article 100 of the Federal Constitution not being applicable to such case. Paragraph 12. Should the legislation referred to in Paragraph 4 of Article 100 not be enacted within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days as from the date of enactment of Constitutional Amendment no. 62, the following amounts shall prevail for the relevant purposes, for the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities in debt which have failed to regulate the matter:

  1. 40 (forty) monthly minimum wages in the case of States and the Federal District;

  2. 30 (thirty) monthly minimum wages in the case of Municipalities. Paragraph 13. During the period in which the States, the Federal District, and Municipalities in debt are effecting payment of court orders through the special regime, they may not be subject to attachment of amounts, except when the funds referred to in Item II of Paragraph 1 and in Paragraph 2 of this article are not made available in due time.

Paragraph 14. The special regime for payment of court orders set forth in Item I of Paragraph 1 of this article shall be in force for as long as the amount of court-ordered debts is higher than the amount of funds earmarked under the terms of Paragraph 2 of this article, or for a fixed period of 15 (fifteen) years in the case of the option referred to in Item II of Paragraph 1.

Paragraph 15. Court-ordered debts divided into installments under the terms of Article 33 or Article 78 of this Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act and whose payment is still pending shall be included in the special regime with the amount of all pending installments being updated, whereas the balance of any judicial and extrajudicial agreements shall also be included in the special regime.

Paragraph 16. As from the date Constitutional Amendment no. 62 is enacted, the amounts stated in court orders, up until effective payment, irrespective of their nature, shall be adjusted according to the official rate applied to savings accounts, whereas, for the purpose of compensation of delay in the payment, simple interest will be applied at the same percentage of interest applied to savings accounts, the employment of compensatory interest being excluded.

Paragraph 17. While the special regime is in force, any amount in excess of the limit set forth in Paragraph 2 of Article 100 of the Federal Constitution shall be paid in accordance with Paragraphs 6 and 7 or with Items I, II, and III of Paragraph 8 of this article, whereas the amounts used to meet the provision of Paragraph 2 of Article 100 of the Federal Constitution shall be computed for the purposes of Paragraph 6 of this article.

Paragraph 18. While the special regime referred to in this article is in effect, the original holders of court orders who have reached the age of 60 (sixty) years old by the date of enactment of Constitutional Amendment no. 62 shall also be entitled to the priority referred to in Paragraph 6.

Brasília, October 5, 1988.

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