Superphysics Superphysics

Idea and Ideology

The Portions of the Mind
Chapter 5
The Portions of the Mind →
Subtlification or Pratisaiṋcara
Chapter 6
Subtlification or Pratisaiṋcara →
The Collective Consciousness
Chapter 6b
The Collective Consciousness →
Táraka Brahma Versus Avatara
Chapter 6c
Táraka Brahma Versus Avatara →
The Atman or Individual or Unit Consciousness
Chapter 7
The Atman or Individual or Unit Consciousness →
Samskara or Reactive Momenta
Chapter 7b
Samskara or Reactive Momenta →
The 5 Stages of the Creation of the Universe
Chapter 8
The 5 Stages of the Creation of the Universe →
Ideology and Personality
Chapter 9
Ideology and Personality →
Evolution and the 4 Ages of Society
Chapter 10
Evolution and the 4 Ages of Society →
Yama and Niyama
Chapter 10b
Yama and Niyama →
Spirituality as the Cosmic Ideal for Humans
Chapter 11
Spirituality as the Cosmic Ideal for Humans →
The Minimum Essentials of Life
Chapter 11b
The Minimum Essentials of Life →