Superphysics Superphysics

Levitation via Material Bands

by Juan Icon
August 4, 2022 2 minutes  • 340 words
Table of contents

The Relativity of Einstein is totally debunked by the reality of non-magnetic levitation. This is done through the cancellation of the most1’s which is done by aligning the channels in the atoms for them to pass through.

This alignment is done through the force of the aether or moa2.

We take a 1 kilogram object then apply a prolonged emission on it to simulate the moa2. We find this reduces its weight by 1 gram. We call this prelevitation which is making a thing lighter without actually levitating.

Crude Aether technology
Crude aether technology can be done with home equipment

This is where G, g, and the Kepler tensor will be necessary to change the state of an object in order to move it through spacetime without needing contact forces.

All 5 Layers Work Together to Create Physical Reality

In our experiment, we applied the moa2 on a material object via electromagnetism in order to reduce the force of gravity or most1 on it.

This manifests as a slight movement which is recorded by the weighing scale.

More technically, the external aether changed the gravitational signature of the object to alter its material gravitational band with the Earth.

This means that, logically, the ability to change and generate movement for solid objects comes from the Material layer through the Convertible Layer. This matches the findings of Isaac Newton.

The uniform gravity of a body acts equally in equal particles of time on that body to create equal velocities
Principia, Scholium

Thus, the sequence of events is:

Sequence Layer Effect
1 Aether The intention to move the mass
2 Radiant (Electromagnetism) The emission is created
3 Material (Strong) The emission hits the identity (object with mass)
4 Convertible (Weak) This creates a change in the identity
5 Spatial (Spacetime) This moves the object

As you can see, all 5 layers are used to create the reality of the movement of the object. This then matches our principle that all physical movement and change involves all 5 layers, ultimately commanded by the aethereal layer.

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